
When ATH:


Steroid hormones, a derivative of 19-nortestosterone.

Pharmacological action.
Androgenic, antiprogestagennoe, antiestrogens.


Endometriosis, incl. complicated infertility.


Hypersensitivity, acute heart failure, decompensated liver disease, kidney, vessels, metabolic and / or a history of thrombosis, pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply.


Side effects.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, hypererethism, irritability, depression, convulsions.

Endocrine and urogenital system: flushing, weight gain, reducing the size of the breast, bleeding from the uterus (in the first week of treatment).

From the digestive tract: nausea, dyspepsia, increase in liver transaminases.

For the skin: leather pigmentation, acne, seborrhea, hypertryhoz.

Other: fluid retention, deepening of the voice, decreased libido.


Rifampin and anticonvulsants accelerate metabolism gestrinone.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside - By 2,5 мг в 1-й и 4-й дни менструации. В дальнейшем продолжают прием в установленные дни по 2,5 mg 2 once a week for 6 Months.

If you miss a dose of another, it should be taken as quickly as possible, then continue with the treatment according to the scheme. If you skipped intake of two or more doses, treatment is interrupted, and resume it in the 1st day of the menstrual cycle.


Before therapy is necessary to exclude pregnancy. For maximum efficiency it is necessary to strictly adhere to treatment regimens. During treatment should use effective contraception.

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