Hepatomegaly – what is this, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the disease Hepatomegaly

Hepatomegaly – What is this disease? Hepatomegaly is an increase in the size of the liver and is a symptom of the disease of this body.

Liver healthy human soft, It can be painless palpation under the rib arch. If hepatomegaly liver increases in size, becomes more dense and easily palpable by palpation.

Hepatomegaly: the cause of the

Hepatomegaly may be caused by:

  • liver disease (viral and autoimmune hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis, echinococcosis, chronic infectious diseases, cancer of the liver, Polycystic, toxic poisoning, drug or alcohol intoxication)
  • metabolic disorders (gemoxromatoz, gepatos fat, amiloidoz, gepatolentikuliarnaya degeneration)
  • cardiovascular diseases (circulatory insufficiency and constroguny pericardit)

Liver diseases directly affects her cage. If you start the regeneration process, the connective tissue replaces the part of the deceased hepatocytes, and liver increases in volume and becomes bumpy. If there is a violation of metabolism in the liver accumulate metabolic products, leading to an increase in body.

In cardiovascular disease occurs blood stasis, decrease the oxygen supply and swelling bodies, first of all-the liver.

Hepatomegaly: symptoms

The disease manifests signs of increase in liver. The patient may feel discomfort in right side or watch external body changes. Often enlarged liver doesn't manifests itself before the start of the acute form of the disease.

As you develop hepatomegaly appear nausea, bad breath, heartburn, itching, petehial'naja rash, the skin becomes icteric shade. As a result of the increase in the liver develops ascites (in abdomen accumulated fluid, speaking of vessels).

Hepatomegaly: diagnostics

Diffuse hepatomegaly is diagnosed by palpation the first time patient to doctor. The doctor determines the density, the extent and borders of enlarged liver, sets the availability of pain. Unnecessarily. hepatomegaly is not an independent disease, as a sign of another disease, the survey is conducted a survey and views of the patient, to identify the alleged reasons for the increase in the liver.

Depending on the perceived causes of the patient is assigned a number of laboratory tests (biochemical and serological blood test, radiography, analysis of the functions of the liver, US, CT scan or MRI of the abdomen, tests on blood coagulation). Diagnostic laparoscopy can be assigned.

For differential diagnosis of appropriate group ¬ feast liver condition, leading to increase, on the basis of the, whether increasing the body with increased spleen, ascites, jaundice, as well as by the nature of the increase (diffuse or local).

Hepatomegaly: types of disease

Hepatomegaly rate depending on the reason, caused an increase in liver.
The term "moderate hepatomegaly" denote variations from normal, but not over the picture of the typical modifications for diseases described above. Mild manifestations of hepatomegaly often arise as a result of prolonged unbalanced diet and the availability of harmful habits, primarily, alcohol abuse.

Hepatomegaly: patient actions

In the presence of those or other manifestations of increased liver, described above, seek medical advice. With timely treatment favorable forecast.


Treatment includes the following activities:

  • The main disease therapy, caused an increase in liver
  • Dieting
  • Receiving gepatoprotektornyh drugs

In case of complications, treatment also includes a reception dioretikov and hepatoprotectors, complex vitamins, diet. Possible liver transplant.

Hepatomegaly: complications

Without timely treatment of the disease, accompanied by gematomegaliej, can lead to liver failure, decompensation of the liver, bleeding.

Hepatomegaly: prevention

Prevention of diseases, related to gematomegaliej, It is, to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This implies the correct food, renunciation of bad habits, weight control. Be cautious when taking medications.

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