Hemiplegia is the treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of the disease hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is a complete loss of arbitrary movements in the arm and leg on one side of the body. In some cases there is a paralysis of the facial muscles and tongue.


Organic causes include hemiplegia:

  • Blood circulation of the brain (cerebral hemorrhage, cerebrovascular spasm, thrombosis of cerebral vessels)
  • Inflammatory diseases of the brain (brain abscess, araxnoidit)
  • Brain Tumors

Violation is caused by faulty motor pyramid system of the brain.

Functional hemiplegia caused by hysteria and is a symptom of dissociative disorders.

Risk factors include hemiplegia:

  • Heart and vascular disease in the elderly
  • Brain injury history
  • Childbirth with complications (risk to children)
  • Blood diseases
  • Overeating
  • Alcohol and drug addiction, smoking

The symptoms of hemiplegia

Organic hemiplegia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Increased muscle tone and tendon reflexes
  • Pathological reflexes in paralyzed limbs
  • Stiffness of the limbs, combined with dysfunction of mimic muscles on the affected and/or on the opposite side of the
  • Sinjushnost skin on the affected side
  • Puffiness
  • Cold extremities

When functional hemiplegia not observed violations of muscle tone and changes reflexes. Manifestations may disappear spontaneously.


Diagnosis is based on the results of the examination of the patient by a doctor-neurologist and electromyography.

Hemiplegia is a kind of disease

Depending on the cause of distinguish organic and functional gemiplegiu.

Also entails the following varieties of hemiplegia:

  • Alternatirujushhaja: the defeat of the muscles on the side of the body, the opposite finding pathological
  • Saggy: reduced muscle tone, due to lesion of the brain or spinal cord
  • Gomolateralnaja (ipsiliteralnaja): muscle paralysis on the side of finding pathological process due to lesions of the upper section of the spinal cord
  • Cross (Phillips): paralysis of the hands and feet due to the defeat of the opposite of the medulla oblongata
  • Central (spastic): the defeat of the pyramidal tract, accompanied by paralysis, gipertonusom muscles and pathological reflexes
  • Spinal: the defeat of the pyramidal tract, due to pathological hotbed in the upper cervical spine. Muscle paralysis occurs on the side of finding hearth
  • Hysterical hemiplegia: occurs when the hysteria and completely passes unchanged reflexes and violations of muscle tone

Hemiplegia patient actions

If there is a violation of the capacity to arbitrary movement of hand and foot and other symptoms, characteristic of hemiplegia, urgently need to see a doctor.

Hemiplegia - Treating hemiplegia

The mainstay of treatment of hemiplegia are measures to address the underlying disease, has caused the development of muscle paralysis.

Besides, therapy involves the use of vitamin c and group b to improve the general condition; reception of funds to improve the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems; reception of funds to reduce muscle tone. The patient must systematically stimulate the paralysed limb. Treatments include remedial physical education, massage, water procedures. Physiotherapy is assigned through 7-10 days after the start of the main disease, massage to start over 10-20 days.


Perhaps the strongest abnormal movements, which is accompanied by the reduction or absence of muscular strength in the Group of muscles and/or muscle contractures, ankylosis of joints.

prevention gemiplegii

  • To common prevention methods include hemiplegia:
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Rational balanced diet
  • Physical activity
  • Preventive medical examinations
  • Respect for patients at risk of all the recommendations of the attending physician

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