The physical properties of bile

The color of bile

In normal healthy individuals bile color portions A and C, light yellow, portions B - Tan. The color depends on bile pigments bilirubinglyukuronida (or direct bilirubin) and biliverdin.

Dark- brown bile may be associated with an increased serum bilirubin and hemolytic anemia (C is also serving more intensely colored).

The dark color of bile portions B is observed in inflammatory and stagnation in the gallbladder.

Light bile due to a decrease in the concentration of bilirubin and it is typical for infectious hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Weak coloring bile in the B portion indicated at chronic inflammatory process in the gall bladder in violation of its concentration function. The destruction of the bile pigments and the formation of leuco for some types of chronic cholecystitis promotes the release of bile white. Lack of yellow coloration of the duodenal contents may be due to blockage (stone, tumor) liver and the common bile duct, and cirrhosis, severe hepatitis. Transparent greenish bile servings can be observed in stagnation inflammatory. Muddy greenish bile is a result of impurities of gastric contents (under the influence of hydrochloric acid formed biliverdin, having green, and bile acid precipitate, forming a haze).

Transparency bile

Normally bile all transparent portions. Clouding it often occurs as a result of impurities of gastric contents, the pH below 7,0. Inflammation in the bile ducts and gall bladder bile is accompanied by lumps of mucus. Turbidity, due to purulent exudate, very rare.

Consistency bile

Bile portions B viscous, portions A and C slightly viscous.

The reaction is determined in fresh bile (pH of all three portions 6.6-7.6). With infections of the gallbladder bile portions in response becomes acidic (pH 4,9—4,8) by organic acids of bacterial origin.

The relative density is determined as bile, as the urine. A portion of the bile it is 1,007-1,015, Serve with - 1,007-1,01, servings - 1,016-1,034.

The increase in the relative density of bile portions B indicates stagnation, and the reduction - lowering the concentration ability of the gallbladder, that is observed in inflammation, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia.

Number (volume) bile portions B - 35-50 ml, portions A - 15-20 ml. Portion C stands permanently, and its volume depends on the duration of the collection.

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