Physical properties of the gastric contents

The smell of stomach contents normally slightly sour. When the level of the hydrochloric acid or the absence of fermentation and formation of products having a flavor of the stomach contents of organic acids (oil, lactic or acetic). Putrid smell indicates the presence of protein breakdown, tumor.

Color normal stomach contents slightly grayish. When duodenal reflux, ahilii or reducing the acidity of the color yellow, and elevated acidity - Green (in connection with the transition in the acidic environment of bilirubin biliverdin). In cases of intragastric hemorrhage and lack of free hydrochloric acid contents of the stomach in red. In the presence of hydrochloric acid, hemoglobin is converted into hydrochloric hematin, which confers gastric brown varying intensity depending on an impurity blood.

Slime normally present in gastric contents in moderation. Increasing the amount of mucus is observed in diseases of the stomach with low acidity, Achille or hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. In atrophic gastritis or acidity amount of mucus in the contents of the stomach is reduced or it is almost absent. Gastric mucus settles to the bottom of dishes; mucus sputum, trapped in the stomach, It contains air bubbles and thus pops.

The volume of the stomach contents measured per serving. The amount of gastric juice in healthy individuals ranged from fasting 0 to 50 ml. The volume of gastric contents, obtained for 1 no, referred hours Voltage. Hours of hard basal secretion of 50- 100 ml, and stimulated a mild irritant - from 50 to 110 ml.

Determination of gastric contents require it the most complete extraction. On the volume of gastric contents can influence the impurity residues test meal, Saliva, bile, secret duodenum. With a significant increase in the volume of gastric contents on an empty stomach (hungry balance) should think first and foremost a violation of the evacuation function of the stomach and examine the signs of the macro- and mikroretentsii (residues on the eve of the food eaten, sarcin rods or lactic fermentation, lactic acid). Increased hunger residue can also be observed when interdigestive hypersecretion. The study volume of gastric contents with more bile is considered unreliable. Proper setting volume of gastric contents is needed to determine flow rate of hydrochloric acid, the volume of acid and alkaline components secretion, the amount of pepsin. Errors in determining the amount of gastric contents leads to a distortion of these indicators.

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