Fiʙrinolizin (man)

When ATH:


Fiʙrinolizin (plasmin) - Enzyme, It is a physiological component of natural anticoagulant system of the body. Get a natural fibrinolysin plasminogen from human plasma by means of its enzymatic activation of trypsin.

White hygroscopic powder. Soluble in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Pharmacological action.


Powder for solution for infusion: pulmonary embolism, vessels of the brain, myocardial infarction, acute thrombophlebitis, exacerbation of chronic thrombophlebitis.

Films eye with fibrinolizinom: retinal thrombosis, intraocular hemorrhage.


Hypersensitivity, gyemorragichyeskii diatyez, bleeding, open wounds, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, jade, fibrinopenia, pulmonary tuberculosis (acute form), radiation sickness.

Restrictions apply.

High blood pressure: сАД — >200, дАД — >110–120 мм рт. Article. (when brain lesions).

Side effects.

Non-specific reactions to the protein (incl. flushing of the face; pain along the vein, into which the solution, chest pain and abdominal, chills, fever, hives); при в/в введении — кровотечение; при использовании глазных пленок — жжение, conjunctival hyperemia.

Dosing and Administration.

B / (drop) in 0,9% sodium chloride solution (calculation of ED drug 100-160 1 ml) with the addition of heparin (calculated 10 th. IU per 20 th. ED fibrinolizina). Суточная доза фибринолизина — до 20–40 тыс. ED. The duration of administration of 3-4 hours. The solution is prepared immediately before use, tk. during storage at room temperature it loses activity.

Eye of the film for a lower eyelid 1 once a day, daily, 6-12 days, 2-3 times previously dripped into the conjunctival sac 0,5% tetracaine solution (local anesthesia). The film was removed from the packaging and, pulling the lower eyelid, lay it in the space formed between the eyelid and eyeball. Then let the eyelid and keep eyes at rest for some time (30-60), which is necessary for wetting the film and move it in the rubbery state.


Apply fibrinolysin be under the control of indicators of blood coagulation. After graduating in / fibrinolizina determine the content of prothrombin (It should be reduced to 40-30%), while the total blood clotting (should increase no more than 2 times), and the content of fibrinogen in blood plasma (should decrease, but not below 1 g / l). In the event of non-specific reactions to the protein reduces the rate of introduction, при более выраженной реакции — прекращают введение; also used antihistamine drugs.

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