Red blood cells - red blood cells Paintability

Depending on the saturation of hemoglobin in red blood cells may be hyper-, normo- and hypochromic. Erythrocytes with normal color intensity are called normohromnaja, less intensely colored - hypochromic, more intensively - hyperchromatic. In marked difference in the degree of staining of erythrocytes talk about anizoxromii. However, it should be taken into account, and that in normal conditions of individual red blood cells may be weaker or stronger colored.


Hypochromia associated with a decrease in hemoglobin in single erythrocyte. Hypochromic erythrocytes painted pale, and the central lumen of them speaks sharply. They are most often planocitami (their thickness is reduced). With a significant decrease in hemoglobin painted only the peripheral part of the red blood cells, central lumen significantly increased, sometimes from red blood cells are left alone rims, They are similar to the ring and called anulotsytamy.


Hyperchromia arises from the increase in the thickness of the red blood cells. Hyperchromic red blood cells are colored more intensely, central lumen of reduced or absent. Hyperchromic most often megalocytes and microspherocytes.

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