
When ATH:


Ephedrine-alkaloid, contained in various kinds of ephedra (Ephedra L.), Family эfedrovыe (Ephedraceae).

Ephedrine hydrochloride is a white needle crystals and a white crystalline powder bitter taste. Easily soluble in water (1:5), soluble in alcohol (1:14), practically insoluble in ether and chloroform.

Pharmacological action.
Vasoconstrictive, gipertenzivnoe, bronchodilator, hyperglycemic, psihostimulirutee.


Bronchial asthma, hay fever, hives, serum sickness and other allergic diseases, rhinitis, hypotension (operations, spinnomozgovaya anesthesia, injury, blood loss, infectious diseases, hypotension, and others.), Narcolepsy, poison pills and drugs, enuresis; locally, as sossoudossouerveshchego means, to improve pupil (diagnostic purposes).


Hypersensitivity, insomnia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, organic heart disease, hyperthyroidism.

Side effects.

Light tremor, heartbeat (15-30 minutes after ingestion); sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure, jitters, tremor, urinary retention, loss of appetite, vomiting, desudation, insomnia, rash.

Dosing and Administration.

P /, / m, adults-to-0.05 0.02 g 2-3 times a day. B /, spray (slowly) — by 0.4-1 ml 5% solution or drip in the total dose is up to 0,08 g (in 100-500 ml izotoniceski solution of sodium chloride or 5% glucose solution). Higher doses for s / c administration: single - 0,05 g, daily - 0,15 g.


You should not assign containing ephedrine and its products before going to bed.

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