Marjoram essential oil: application recipes, properties, benefit and harm, what heals

"Grass of Happiness", "joy of the mountains", a remedy that prolongs youth and gives health: so called the ancient marjoram.

From the article you will learn, what are the properties of marjoram essential oil and how to use it correctly, to get the most benefit.

Today, the geography of this plant is quite extensive.: from Central and Eastern Europe to Morocco and Tunisia and production is established in many countries.

The therapeutic effect of marjoram oil on the body

  • Removes nausea, relieves stomach cramps, gripes.
  • Eliminates inflammation of the nasopharynx, helps get rid of sinusitis, coryza.
  • Relieves chills.
  • Has a choleretic effect.
  • Helps loosen phlegm - good expectorant.
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain - indispensable for arthritis, sprains, convulsions.
  • Has a detoxifying effect.
  • Expands blood vessels, helping to improve blood circulation and eliminate headaches.
  • Indispensable for tachycardia and the need to normalize blood pressure.
  • Relieves pain during menstrual pain.
  • Has a pronounced anti-stress effect, relieves chronic mental and physical fatigue.

Эфирное масло майорана, лечебные свойства

Preventive properties of marjoram oil

  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Keeps the nervous system in balance.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Normalizes digestion and relieves heaviness in the stomach.
  • Removes excess water from the body.
  • Removes puffiness.
  • Able to clear the skin of warts and corns.
  • Has a pronounced anti-aging effect.

Here we come to that, to use this miracle remedy.

Marjoram oil for digestive disorders, how many

Adding oil to herbal tea.

  • in 1 ch.l. dilute a spoonful of honey 2 drops of oil and dilute everything with a glass of warm herbal decoction, not hot, temperature around 60°C.
  • Honey is needed to dissolve the oil, without it, it remains a film on the surface of the water. Instead, you can take propolis.
  • We drink a little bit in small sips.

If you are allergic to bee products, replace them with a slice of bread or a small cracker. We drip a couple of drops of vegetable oil and the same amount of marjoram oil onto a piece, We turn the "bread capsule" and eat.

Point, so that the oil enters the body in a diluted state.

Consume in the morning or evening on an empty stomach.

Can it be like this, as described above, add to hot water with honey, If desired, you can flavor it with a slice of lemon, or you can rub a couple of drops in your fingers and go through your temples, along the hairline, affecting the frontal lobe or lightly massage the back of the head.

Point, give yourself at least 5 – 10 minutes of rest, silence and relaxation, for the therapy to work.

We use marjoram oil for colds

Sure, the most effective means are hot and cold inhalations.

Since essential oil is very volatile, under the influence of steam immediately penetrates into the respiratory tract, where it has a bactericidal effect, relieves swelling and heals.

Marjoram oil for colds, rhinitis, bronchitis and cough

To get rid of ARVI and all its symptoms faster, it is useful to do a number of procedures using ether.

Inhalations with the addition of marjoram ether

Dial 1 a liter of water in a small saucepan or metal bowl, bring it to a boil.

As soon as the water starts to boil, add to it 3-4 (not more) marjoram oil drops.
Cover your head with a towel and lean over the container. Breathe in hot steam: first 10 inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, then, conversely, 10 inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose.

The duration of the procedure is not more than 10 minutes. Do 1 once a day for 5-6 days.

Marjoram oil for colds

We use homemade drops: take 20 ml olive or almond oil, you drip into it 1 a drop of marjoram essential oil and, if any,, 1 a drop of mint ether. Runny nose 3-4 once a day.

The solution must be kept sealed.. It will be convenient to pour it into an old nasal drop bottle.

Marjoram oil for angina

You can make a compress: dilute in 30 ml of warm water 10 drops of oil, moisten a gauze pad with liquid and tie it around the throat, wrapped around the neck with a warm scarf.

If you are not a supporter of inhalations, but still want to get rid of the cold, rub the bridge of the nose and the places of the maxillary sinuses with a mixture of base oil (apricot kernel, peach, olive) and ethereal.

In combination with massage, the effect will not be slow to appear.

In any dish - salad or second, add 1 – 2 drops of ether. For Example, season them with salad dressing. Taste will change quite a bit., and for the better, and the sense will increase noticeably.

How to use ether 1 once a day.

Эфирное масло майорана, лечебные свойства

Marjoram essential oil for arthritis

Any low-component cream can become the basis, eg, baby or base oil, or Batteries, is it a thick or hard oil (Shi, the coconut, cocoa).

Despite the perceived difficulty, make it easy, and the result is worth it.

As you see, the concentration is high enough, therefore, apply the ointment only on aching areas. It can be rubbed 1 – 2 once a day.

Use Case #2: compresses

Order, who doesn't want to mess around, offer faster, but no less effective way to relieve joint pain.

The advantage of an oil compress is, that it has a stronger warming effect.

  • Add to 1 Church l. base oil 6 drops of ether, mix and do a gentle massage of the aching area.
  • After the session, be sure to cover the place with sheets., letting him rest and cool down.

Эфирное масло майорана, лечебные свойства

The use of marjoram oil for tachycardia and to normalize blood circulation

Use Case #1: baths

Taking non-hot baths.

  • To do this, we collect water, whose temperature is not higher 42 – 45 degrees is important., not to overheat the body.
  • We breed in 1 ch.l. honey 10 – 11 drops of ether and dissolve everything in water. Honey again acts as a binder.

You can replace honey with soda - you will also need 1 ch.l. The ether will disperse in it.

Use Case #2: aromatic lamps

10 – 11 drops of marjoram essential oil are enough to aromatize a room of 10 square meters for therapeutic purposes.

Marjoram oil to soften rough skin, dry callus removal.

We make applications on damaged areas.

Wet a cotton pad 3 drops of base oil and 4-5 ether. Comes out quite concentrated, so we follow, so that only the desired area is processed.

Keep the application for about an hour, then we shoot, remove to soften the skin and lubricate with a moisturizer.

Marjoram oil for removing warts and papillomas

Lubricate the wart with a cotton swab, soaked in pure essential oil. During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation - this is normal..

Repeat once a day for a week.

Marjoram oil for wrinkles

Prepare a very simple, but extremely effective do-it-yourself anti-aging cream.

We take shea butter as a base (the checkers) – it is very gentle and can be used undiluted on the face.

We keep this cream in the refrigerator and use it for thin skin around the eyes or all over the face., if you put it on before bed.

Wash off the mask with warm boiled water (!) water or micellar solution. Apply your favorite moisturizer on top..

Very effective and especially good for those, who does not want to use additional funds after the mask.

  • IN 1 Church l. add warm base oil 5-6 drops of ether.
  • Wet the clean mixture, ironed fabric or folded gauze and put on the face.
  • We hold 15 – 20 minutes, providing yourself with not only anti-aging, but also aromatherapy care.

Remove and or remove excess with a cotton pad, or rub the remaining oil mixture into the skin.

It is necessary to use aroma masks and compresses only at night.!

Regardless of Togo, how we decided to use oil: inhale, ointment or compress, worth remembering that, that additional components can make the composition even more healing.

Эфирное масло майорана, лечебные свойства

We add them depending on preferences and the desired impact..

Enhance flavor with marjoram oil

To do this, it is enough to sprinkle 2-3 drops of ether already seasoned salad or sauce and mix well. Aroma and appetite guaranteed!

It is easy to prepare seasoning from ether, and the taste of dishes will noticeably change for the better.

Let's fill in 1 Church l. sesame seeds and salt in a bowl with a lid, let's add 10 drops of vegetable oil and shake well, to mix the spice. You can add it to salads and hot dishes., the main thing to remember, that the salt is already there.

Aromatization with marjoram oil

You can vary the flavor of tea or sugar. In the first case, apply a few drops to the inner surface of the container, where placer welding is stored and close the lid, in the second - just drip 1 drop on 1 ch.l. sugar before stirring in a drink or adding to dough.

To flavor alcohol, just add to 250 ml 2 drops of marjoram oil.

marjoram essential oil prices

The price range for this product is huge.. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, read customer reviews, learn the maximum about manufacturers and raw materials, because the price is not always an indicator of quality, and is only a consequence of brand fame or complex transportation.

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