Yeast defeat – Candidosis

Called yeast yeast of the genus Candida fungi disease. Various mushrooms in this type are detected in animals (calves, lambs, foals, dogs, cats), domestic birds (ducks, CSD). They can detect on all subjects, people around, including on clothes, in wastewater, dust, etc.. d.

There are several classifications of yeast lesions. There are candidiasis of the mucous membranes, skin and its appendages, visceral, candidiasis of feet and hands, large folds (inguinal, axillary, intergluteal, under the breast glands), nails and surrounding nail ridges.

The age of a person plays an important role in the development of various yeast lesions.. So, infants are especially susceptible to Candida, therefore, they most often develop candidiasis, especially thrush and diaper rash in large folds of skin.

At a young and middle age, resistance to microorganisms is quite high, therefore people of this age have candidiasis, usually, don't get sick; in old and senile age resistance to infection, including fungal, weakens and the possibility of disease increases accordingly.

Women are more likely to suffer from candidiasis, especially during pregnancy.

Candidiasis are associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Long noticed, that candidiasis often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus. Sometimes a dermatologist after prolonged, and sometimes unsuccessful treatment of candidiasis as a result of a study of carbohydrate metabolism reveals certain forms of diabetes mellitus. After he healed” yeast damage disappears.

The occurrence of candidiasis is associated with other disorders of internal organs., especially the digestive system, including liver disease. Intestinal disorders in children (dyspepsia) are a favorable background for the development of candidiasis.

Circulatory disorders of the extremities, more often occurring in old and old age, chills, frostbite lengthen and complicate the treatment of candidiasis of the feet and hands.

According to some scholars, candidiasis occurs due to a violation of vitamin metabolism, especially pyridoxine (vitamin B2) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). At the same time, the appointment of vitamins and fortified food facilitates and accelerates the treatment of candidiasis, especially with skin lesions on the corners of the mouth, red border of lips, language.

There are always various microorganisms in the human intestines, promoting normal digestion. They are in a peculiar combination and subordination and are necessary for a person. In some cases, especially under the influence of certain medicinal substances, in particular, antibiotics, some of the microorganisms necessary for digestion die, while others begin to multiply intensively; as a result, the bacterial balance is disturbed (dysbiosis), clinically expressed by various gastrointestinal disorders. So, in particular, also happens with yeast, that, multiplying rapidly, cause disease, sometimes very hard. In this regard, I would like to warn against the abuse of antibiotics, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Often at the slightest ailment, runny nose, cough, a slight increase in temperature, parents give children prescription antibiotics, not knowing the testimony, dose and conditions of admission.

As a result, the underlying disease disappears (completely independent of antibiotics), and a person develops a yeast lesion, sometimes more serious, than that, about which antibiotics were used.

Excessive sweating contributes to the onset of candidiasis.. In some people, increased sweating is associated with various disorders of the autonomic nervous system., and in the majority - with violations of hygiene rules for skin care. It is especially important to adhere to these rules when caring for a child.. Excessively tight swaddling, use of bed linen and clothing made of synthetic materials, warm compresses, high room temperature, where the child sleeps - all this has a detrimental effect on the skin, it becomes more susceptible to yeast. In adults, especially in obese, the occurrence of candidiasis may be associated with non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. In people with increased fatness in the folds with increased sweating, favorable conditions are created for the development of candidiasis. Creases under the breasts, inguinal, intergluteal, underarm need to be washed frequently, dry thoroughly and dust with powders, containing 1-2 % boric or salicylic acid.

With permanent injury, eg, nipples while breastfeeding, cracked feet, ineptly cutting off the burrs on the fingers, manicure, conditions arise for the introduction of fungi of the genus Candida and microorganisms, causing pustular diseases.

Of great concern to patients are lesions of the mucous membranes - candidal cheilitis (lesion of the red border of the lips), zaedy (damage to the mucous membrane and skin in the corners of the mouth), candidal glossitis (the defeat of language) and stomatitis. There are several types of glossitis: infiltrative (tongue bright red, hydropic, papillae of the tongue are atrophied, grayish-white bloom, the lesion is located on the lateral surfaces); flaky (spots form on the back of the tongue due to the absence of the upper layer of the mucous membrane); erythematous (tongue bright red with slight swelling), so called black hairy tongue (taste buds are sharply enlarged, lengthened, look like black threads).

A very common manifestation of yeast lesions of the oral mucosa in children is thrush. All parts of the oral mucosa can be affected by thrush., right, lips, нёба, larynx. Whitish films appear on the affected areas, easily removable with a cotton swab (sometimes films are difficult to remove). After removing the films, bright red is exposed, sometimes bleeding surface.

When seized, radially diverging cracks of varying depth are noticeable in the corners of the mouth, covered with yellowish crusts. This disease, like thrush, differs in the duration of the course and resistance to treatment. Treatment is difficult due to constant irritation of the affected areas with food, lip movements while talking.

Often, children and adults have onychia (nail damage), and paronychia (damage to the nail folds, surrounding the plate). Usually the nail roller turns red, otekaet, becomes sharply painful, a small amount of pus is separated from under the roller, especially when pressed. After a while, the nail is deformed, thickens, becomes bumpy, loses its luster, takes on a yellowish brown tint. Usually onychia and paronychia affect several fingers at the same time..

Diseases of the nails, nail folds and interdigital folds are often observed in confectioners, workers of vegetable canneries, bath workers, swimming pools, housewives.

With skin lesions in the interdigital folds, painful cracks appear on the hands, initially superficial, and then deep, inflammation spreads to the surrounding skin. Then, bright red wounds form., difficult to treat.

There are known cases of yeast lesions of the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals, skin around the anus (often accompanied by unbearable itching, increasing in the evening and at night), internal organs with an extremely severe course, difficult to treat.

Prevention of candidiasis

For the prevention of candidiasis, you must carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene.. A person's dietary regime must correspond to his age and constitutional characteristics. Before eating, all vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed with boiled water.. It is necessary to feed children by the hour. The child must have individual dishes. Milk bottles, Nipples, spoons, as well as milk mixtures, fruit and vegetable purees and juices are sterilized.

Known, that candidiasis occurs more often in patients with various chronic diseases, weakened. In order to avoid weakening the body's defense reaction, it is necessary to temper the child from childhood. Air and sun baths are useful (within the permissible exposure), sea ​​and river bathing, in winter time ultraviolet radiation.

Children often, especially with improper hygienic, leaving (rare bathing, tight, rare swaddling, etc.) and increased fatness, diaper rash occurs in the folds of the neck and limbs, inguinal, axillary, intergluteal folds. Spontaneous diaper rash does not heal. It is important to see a pediatrician or dermatologist as early as possible.

Oral care is of particular importance, since candidiasis often primarily affects the oral mucosa. From early childhood, it is necessary to teach a child to brush his teeth. 2 once a day (or at least once in the evening), rinse your mouth after eating. It is completely unacceptable to pick your teeth with pins, needles, paper clips, sleepers. If food remains stuck between the teeth are not removed by rinsing, you should use toothpicks. Even with minor damage to the teeth, it is necessary to consult a dentist as soon as possible. Timely treatment of dental caries (sealing), removing roots, treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa, dental prosthetics - all these activities, contributing to the prevention of candidiasis. It is undesirable to use various metals in dental prosthetics., causing so-called galvanism, bad for the oral mucosa. All dentures must be of the same material.

Usually, with long-term antibiotic treatment, drugs are simultaneously prescribed, preventing the occurrence of candidiasis (Nystatin, levorin and others.)

For washing diapers and laundry for babies, underwear and clothes of older children, it is undesirable to use various synthetic powders, pastes, as they can irritate the skin, subsequently - the addition of a yeast infection. It is best to use special tools, provided that the laundry is thoroughly rinsed after washing. Hands should be washed thoroughly before each contact with a newborn, and wash the nipples before feeding 2% baking soda solution, and then warm boiled water.

Often, parents lick the nipple that has fallen out of the mouth and give it to the child again. Such "sterilization" is completely unacceptable. There are always yeast-like cells in the mouth of an adult. (saprophytes), not causing diseases in an adult. In a child, due to the low resistance of the body, the mucous membrane of the mouth is very often affected.

In the foci of infection, disinfection is carried out by boiling linen in soapy water, processing things with formalin solution.

Improving health literacy is also a preventive measure..

The variety of clinical manifestations of candidiasis, their similarity with various skin diseases of non-yeast origin significantly complicates the diagnosis, and hence, and treatment.

When the diagnosis is established, complex treatment is prescribed, taking into account age, degree of prevalence and localization of the process.

Currently, the most effective drugs are special antibiotics - Nystatin, levorin, dekamin, trichomycin and amphotericin B. Comprehensive treatment of candidiasis should include, in addition to specifically acting agents, and symptomatic agents.

In case of candidiasis due to the use of an antibiotic, treatment should be canceled, and if this is not possible, replace the drug with another.

To increase the body's resistance to infection, activation of its protective properties, a rational, complete diet is prescribed, vitamins, especially B vitamins and ascorbic acid, blood and plasma transfusion, biological stimulants (aloe, FiBS et al.).

Aqueous solutions of aniline paints are applied externally (preferably pioctanin or gencian-violet), lubrication 2% copper sulfate solution, Lugol's solution, propolis ointment, 1% aqueous solution of iodinol, a mixture of borax and glycerin.

In no case should you self-medicate. It is dangerous to resort to the help of "healers", "Healers", which in the overwhelming majority of cases harm the patient's health. Dermatologists often face the consequences of this "treatment", and often such "help" leads to a significant lengthening of the treatment time.

Don't try to diagnose, and even more so to treat yourself. In terms of external manifestations, fungal diseases are similar to many, having nothing to do with them without disease. So, eg, epidermophytosis and rubromycosis are similar to some types of eczema and dermatitis, candidiasis - with pustular diseases, etc.. d.

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