Additional ways to fight the flu

Even with modern methods of vaccination influenza virus infects many people each year. And although the majority of cases starts to feel better within a week after the onset of symptoms, sometimes the disease leads to severe complications or even death. But at the same time, when vaccination is still the best way to prevent influenza, There are other methods of its treatment and prevention. You can use the methods of improving immunity and reduce the risk of virus infection. Besides, some antiviral drugs can help reduce the duration and severity of flu. These medications are sometimes prescribed to prevent new infections.

Measures to protect against the flu

In addition to vaccination, what else can you do, to protect yourself from the flu?

How to reduce the risk of contracting influenza?

There are general measures, you can take, to reduce the risk of contracting influenza:

  • It is necessary to wash hands frequently, especially after contact with flu patients. Wash your hands need during 15-20 seconds with soap and water. Wiping hands alcohol based cleaners destroys influenza viruses;
  • We need to avoid close contact with people, who are sick with respiratory infections;
  • Need to cover mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. If tissues or handkerchief no, You can sneeze into the elbow, but not in the Palm of your hand, Since liquid droplets, falling on them contain many viruses and contribute to the spread of the disease;
  • No need to spit;
  • You do not need to give patients the flu their personal belongings or drinks;
  • You cannot nail biting or rub hands eyes, mouth or nose;
  • The surface should be cleaned (tables, chairs, cabinets, etc.) using household bleach;

Also need enough sleep, eat nutritious foods, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, as well as find ways to cope with stress. This will keep your immune system strong throughout the season of colds and flu.

Receiving antivirals

In addition to vaccines for the prevention and treatment of influenza antiviral medications are used. They can be used to prevent influenza in persons, prone to the disease. Antiviral drugs work by suppressing the spread of the virus in the upper respiratory tract. The following are used as antiviral medications:

  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) – is taken orally for the prevention and treatment of influenza types a and b (Some types of seasonal influenza viruses are resistant to this drug);
  • Zanamivir (Relenza) – action similar to oseltamivir. Used for the treatment of influenza a and b (Can worsen the symptoms of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]);
  • Amantadin – taken orally to prevent and treat influenza type a (Some types of seasonal influenza viruses are resistant to this drug);
  • Rimantadin – It is taken orally, action similar to amantadine, but with fewer side effects. It is also used to prevent and treat influenza type a (Some types of seasonal influenza viruses are resistant to this drug).

Antiviral drugs can reduce flu symptoms and shorten the duration. The sooner they start to apply, so they are more efficient. These drugs also can make a patient with influenza less contagious to others.

Possible side effects of receiving antivirals – from nausea to unusual behavior, Depending on the drug. Besides, These drugs are not recommended for use by all people from all age groups. All antivirals must be prescribed by a physician.

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