Additional nipples (accessory nipples) or politelia: What is this disease, the cause of the, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention

Additional nipples, also known as accessory nipples or polythelia, are a state, when a person has extra nipples on the body, usually along “milk lines”, which goes from the armpit to the groin. This disorder is quite common and occurs in about 1 from 18 man.

What are extra nipples and what do they look like?

Extra nipples are usually benign and do not cause any health problems.. They can occur both in men, and in women and can vary in size and appearance from a small bump to a fully developed nipple and areola. They can be located anywhere along the breast line., but most often found on the chest, abdomen or upper thighs.

Causes of extra nipples

The exact cause of extra nipples is unknown., but considered, what is a genetic disorder. It is believed, that the condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, which means, what if one of the parents has a disease, there is 50% probability, that his child will also have it.

Home care with extra nipples

No special home care required for extra nipples. They do not require any treatment, if they do not cause discomfort. In other cases, they can be removed surgically..

When to contact a healthcare professional

There is usually no need to see a healthcare professional for abnormal nipples, unless they cause discomfort or embarrassment. If you experience pain or discomfort, or are you worried about the appearance of your nipples, you should see a doctor.

What to Expect When Visiting a Hospital with Extra Nipples

During your visit to the hospital, your doctor will take your medical history and perform a physical examination.. He may also ask about any symptoms, which you are experiencing, and may order imaging studies, such as X-ray or MRI, to rule out any underlying disease.

Prevention of extra nipples

Unable to prevent extra nipples, because it is a genetic disease. But, if the nipples cause discomfort or discomfort, they can be removed surgically.

In conclusion, extra nipples, also known as accessory nipples or polythelia, are a relatively common condition, which is characterized by the presence of additional nipples on the body. They are usually benign and do not cause health problems., but they can be removed surgically, if they cause discomfort or embarrassment. If you experience pain or discomfort, or are concerned about the appearance of your nipples, you should see a doctor.

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