Distimija – Dysthymic disorder

Dysthymia (Dysthymic Disorder)

Description dysthymia

Dysthymia is subdepression (we can say, that it is a mild or moderate form of depression), and may alternate with periods of normal mood, that last up to two months.

The causes of dysthymia

Causes, causing the appearance of dysthymia, not exactly known. Some researchers believe, that the occurrence of dysthymia may have a role of serotonin concentrations in the brain.

Risk factors for dysthymia

Dysthymia is more common among women, than among men. Factors, that may increase the likelihood of developing dysthymia include:

  • A family history of depression or dysthymia;
  • Chronic mental or physical illness;
  • Chronic stress;
  • Environmental factors.

People, who observed dysthymia, at increased risk of escalating it in major depressive disorder (BDR).

The symptoms of dysthymia

Dysthymia may be difficult to distinguish from depression due to many overlapping symptoms, which may include:

  • The feeling of sadness and / or hopelessness;
  • Poor appetite or overeating;
  • Problems with concentration;
  • Insomnia or drowsiness postoyannoaya and desire to sleep;
  • Fatigue;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Difficulties with the implementation of functional responsibilities at work or school.

Diagnosis of dysthymia

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination and assess the psychological state.

Also, your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further examination. Perhaps it will be necessary to perform some tests, to determine the possible medical causes of dysthymia, such as thyroid problems or anemia.

Treatment of dysthymia

On the basis of the examination the doctor develop the best treatment option. Treatment may include one or a combination of these methods:

Antidepressants when dysthymia

Antidepressants can help control the symptoms of dysthymia. For, to see the effects of antidepressants, their, You may need to take a few weeks.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of dysthymia

Psychotherapy can help change unhealthy habits of thought. Methods of Psychotherapy, which are used to treat dysthymia, may include:

  • Kognitivnaya povedencheskaya therapy;
  • Counseling;
  • Family therapy;
  • Mezhlichnostnaya therapy.

Changes in lifestyle when dysthymia

In addition to receiving drug and therapy, You can help some lifestyle changes:

  • Engage in exciting activities you;
  • Eat a healthy diet;
  • Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol;
  • Work out, with the advice of your doctor;
  • Sleep well and try to avoid stress.

Prevention dysthymia

There are no guidelines for preventing dysthymia, because the reasons for its occurrence are unknown.

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