Biliary dyskinesia – symptoms, treatment, prevention – Dyskinesia of the gall bladder

Disorder characterized by motor activity and contractility of the gall bladder and bile ducts in response to a meal. The reasons for this type of disorder is the type of response the nervous system of patients (vegetative neurosis). So, predominance of tone of the sympathetic nervous system inhibits the motility of the gallbladder (gipokineziya) and cause spasm of the sphincter. The second mechanism of psoriasis - a violation of the hormonal activity of specific hormones, involved in the regulation of bile secretion. Risk factors, affecting the autonomic nervous system and hormonal regulation, lead to dysmotility, which easily occurs on a background of family history. The reason for the formation of dyskinesia may be as inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, narrowing of the cystic duct. Clinical manifestations depend on the form of dyskinesia.

Clinical manifestations of biliary dyskinesia of hyperkinetic

Painful attacks occur frequently in connection with the strong emotions, stress and other neuro-psychiatric, 1 physical overload. Periodically there is biliary colic - cramping pain in the right upper quadrant of medium and low intensity, the duration of a few minutes, stoped independently or with the help of antispasmodics. Thus there is no jaundice, and fever. In between bouts of patients do not experience pain, but often feel a sense of gravity, fullness in the right upper quadrant.

Diagnostics: based on clinical manifestations, Ultrasonography of the abdomen.

Clinical manifestations of dyskinesia of hypokinetic type

Patients worried about bloating, heaviness in the right upper quadrant after the breach in the diet, physical activity. The pain of weak intensity, aching, continuing 20 minutes and more, sometimes permanent, long. Characteristically increased pain after meals and reducing them after duodenal intubation. Along with pain in the right upper quadrant of patients concerned dyspepsia: poor appetite, belching air, food, constipation.

Diagnostics: based on ultrasound. The gall bladder is increased in volume, in the cavity of the bladder - plentiful, thick slurry.

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia

Treatment depends on the type of psoriasis and begins with diet. Appointed table number 5 with the exception of fatty and fried foods, smoked, Chocolate, freshly baked muffins. When giperkinetičeskom types of dyskinesias demonstrated sits tivnaâ Therapy (used drugs based on herbs: Persen, sedasen, newly passit and others.), antispasmodics, zhelchegonnnye drugs. Widely prescribed herbs, have a choleretic effect (sandy immortelle, corn mouth, pepper mint). Good effect have physiotherapy (Electrophoresis on the right hypochondrium with papaverine).

When hypokinetic dyskinesia simultaneously with the appropriate dietary regime appointed tonics: Ginseng tincture, solution pantokrina, preparations, enhancing the contractility of the gall bladder: sorʙit, xylitol, vegetable oil. It is recommended that 10-25% solution of xylitol or sorbitol by 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating or cooking oil for dessert or a tablespoon 3 times a day after meals for 3 – 4 weeks. At the same time carry out "blind sensing" (tyubazh) at least twice a week. During the tyubazh used raw egg yolks (1-2), vegetable oils in the form of heat 15-30 ml.

Appointed Bile plant-based preparations, alkaline mineral water without gas, phytotherapy (cholagogue action).

Prevention of biliary dyskinesia

Compliance with dietary diet, elimination of bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption), elimination of stress, preservation of mental and emotional balance.

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