Dysbacteriosis of the intestine
Dysbacteriosis of the intestine is a violation of the normal microbial flora. Other elephants, instead of lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus and bifidus) in colon you malicious microbes. It may be aggressive coliform or Proteus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. Lactic acid bacteria, living in the colon, help the body digest food in the colon. They hamper the reproduction of Escherichia coli, harmful bacteria. New tenants», in turn, destroy the necessary body iron, calcium, vitamins and other substances.
Minor goiter occurs in many. Constipation or stool disorder is a vivid manifestation of dysbacteriosis, You must fight. Otherwise the hemorrhoids will progress.
Besides, harmful microorganisms is weakened immune defence and resettled in various organs, causing inflammation (Kidney pyelonephritis, cystitis-bladder, cholecystitis is in the gall bladder and t. d.).
In inflammatory diseases of the rectum dysbacteriosis also plays a role — pathogenic bacteria hinder the healing of tissues.
In order to quickly and effectively get rid of dysbacteriosis, so, and constipation, you need to follow some recommendations:
- You must first create the conditions for lactic acid bacteria. To do this you must radically change your diet. Such products, as cow's milk, white bread, flour, confection, only contribute to the development of a dysbacteriosis. Do not use them during the treatment period. On the other hand, apples, bread with bran, vegetables, dairy products, onion, garlic, Green tea (herbal teas with chamomile, St.John wort, Mint), create good conditions for bowel cleansing is turn them in your daily diet.
- Next, you need to destroy harmful microbes, living in the gut. You can start with daily consumption of garlic. But no need to wait, that this will save you from all the problems immediately.
- Should also take tea tree oil is 1 the drop put the bread crumb and swallowed. Take after meals once a day. Course - 10 days.
- Tea tree oil can be replaced with propolis extract (on 70-degrees alcohol). Take: children between the ages of 6 months to a year — on 1-2 drops, from one to three years — to 5 drops, from three to seven — on 7 drops, school-age children — on 10 drops; adults - 20 drops. Extract, diluted with water or milk, can be used once per day (for children up to 3 years) or twice a day for older one hour before meals.
- In this case, refers to propolis extract, available in pharmacy. A course of treatment - 14 days.
- And finally, last stage: colonization of the gut of useful bacteria. It should be ready in two weeks since the start of the second phase of the.
- The easiest way is to use lactic acid products, enriched bifidobacteriami. Adults need to drink per day 1-2 cups bifidokefir, bifidoacidofilina or bifidorjazhenki. Do it better in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.
Each time after taking antibiotics, After long held colds (especially sore throats or bronchitis), after acute intestinal infections need to pursue struggle with dysbacteriosis. Depending on, are there any symptoms of illness (problems with Chair), There should be either all three phases, or just settling bowel bacteria.
During the three days before the study need only have a digestible form food, not conducive to gasification: boiled meat, fish, porridge, broths. You cannot drink milk, eating sweets and pasta. Last meal — in 17 hours on the eve of the diagnosis. In the evening to do cleansing enema with chamomile extract (several times until clean water»), in the morning is another enema.
When hemorrhoids doctor may prescribe do blood test, to determine, is there a anemia, because it may appear on the background of frequent bleeding.