
When ATH:

Pharmacological action.
Analgesic (opioid), antitussive.


Pain syndrome moderate to strong expression in rheumatic diseases, herpetic lesions, fractures, injuries, burns, malignant tumors of stage II; before- and postoperative pain.


Hypersensitivity, bronchospasm, bronchial asthma, pregnancy, lactation, childhood (to 12 years).

Side effects.

Constipation, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, headache, dizziness,

drop in the ability to concentrate, urinary retention.


Symptoms: bradycardia, hypotension, gipotermiя, anxiety, dry mouth, mioz, muscle rigidity, convulsions, hallucinations, respiratory arrest, coma.

Treatment: gastric lavage; при угнетении дыхания — в/в введение 0,4 мг налоксона (antagonist), в случае необходимости через 2–3 мин — повторно.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, without chewing, по 60–120 мг каждые 12 no (maximally 240 mg / day).


Be wary appointed to the background of MAO inhibitors, with increased intracranial pressure, head trauma. It should reduce the dose in elderly, patients with renal failure, gipotireozom. During treatment should avoid drinking alcohol, driving, works, require high concentration of attention.

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