
When ATH:


White or cream shade with a weak crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and oils.

Pharmacological action.


Disease Addisona, Temporary loss of function of the adrenal cortex (gipokorticizm), myasthenia, asthenia, adinamija, chloropenia.


Hypersensitivity, arterial hypertension, severe heart failure with edema syndrome, atherosclerosis, angina, jade, nephrosis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Side effects.

Peripheral edema, arterial hypertension, heart failure, allergic reactions.


Effect increase adrenomimetiki, weaken and increase the risk of developing gipokaliemii-dioretiki. Compatible with corticosteroids and sodium chloride (Addison's disease).

Dosing and Administration.

/ M; Addison's disease, depending on the severity of the disease, enter from 5 mg 3 once per week to 10 mg (The highest single dose) daily to reduce the severity of symptoms, and then click on 5 mg 1-2 times a week; in acute malnutrition crust napochechnikov and addisonicescom krize — on 5-10 mg 4 once a day (the highest daily intake- 25 mg); When addisonizme appoint 5 mg a day (15-20 Injections per course of treatment), If hypotension conditions amid gipofunktion napochechnikov crust-on 5 mg a day or through the 2 day (only 12-15 injections).

Sublingual (tablets kept under the tongue or in the cheek until resorption, without chewing) -by 2.5-5 mg daily or every other day.


Treatment should be under close medical supervision due to the high risk of side effects; It needs regular determination of electrolytes in serum. In order to avoid the development of hypokalemia, patients should eat foods, rich in potassium (fruit, vegetables).

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