Dequalinium chloride (When ATH G01AC05)

When ATH:


Bischetvertichnym ammonium compound. White with Valium or yellow white powder, without smell, bitter taste. Hygroscopic. It is soluble in water (0,5% at 25 °C, 1:16 -in hot) and alcohol, practically insoluble in ether, acetone, xloroforme.

Pharmacological action.
Antibacterial, bacteriostatic, local antifungal, fungicidnoe.


Candidiasis skin, nail ridges, oral mucosa; inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, stomatitis, incl. aphthous, glossitis, pharyngitis).



Side effects.

Allergic reactions.


Inactivated by anionic detergents (incl. conventional soaps).

Dosing and Administration.


Fungal diseases of the skin: 0,5-1% Ointment rubbed into the lesions 1-2 times a day, The duration of therapy depends on the nature and course of the disease, Usually the course of treatment is 1-3 weeks. Treatment is carried out with a microscopic control of the presence of fungi in the affected areas.

In inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat and thrush: in the form of caramel-0.15-0.30 mg (1-2 Caramel) placed under the tongue or in the cheek and held until resorption, without producing, as far as possible, swallowing, PM to greater retention in the oral cavity (apply every 3-5 h, the plight during infection — every 2 no), either in the form of ointments — are thin, gently rubbing, on the affected foci 1-2 times per day.

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