
When ATH:


The antitumor agent. Anti-androgen steroid nature.

Pharmacological action.
Antiandrogens, progestogens, antitumor.


In мужчин — метастазирующий или неоперабельный рак предстательной железы (without and after orchiectomy, а также в сочетании с агонистами гонадотропин-рилизинг гормона — ГнРГ), hypersexuality. У женщин — выраженные явления андрогенизации (incl. severe hirsutism, tyazhelaya androgenozavisimaya alopecia, severe forms of acne and seborrhea). У детей — преждевременное половое развитие.


Hypersensitivity, severe liver failure, liver tumors, incl. history (with the exception of liver metastases in prostate cancer), syndrome, Dubin - Johnson, Rotor syndrome, depression (severe), thromboembolism, pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply.

You must individually assess the possible benefits and risks of adverse effects of treatment when deciding on the appointment of the drug to patients with carcinoma of the prostate gland in the presence of severe diabetes with vascular complications, sickle cell disease, thromboembolism, kaxeksii (if it is not associated with prostate cancer).

Adolescence (before the end of puberty), Herpes pregnant (history), idiopathic jaundice pregnant (history).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Contraindicated in pregnancy (before starting therapy women should undergo general medical and gynecological examination, condition for the start of therapy is the lack of pregnancy). At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding (It passes into breast milk).

Side effects.

Abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, xerosis, anxiety or depression, fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, fluid retention, weight change, allergic reactions; при больших дозах — нарушение функции печени. У мужчин — подавление сперматогенеза (decreased ability to fertilize, usually recover in 3-4 months after drug withdrawal), gynecomastia (incl. in combination with increased tactile sensitivity and tenderness nipple). У женщин — ощущение напряженности в молочных железах, suppression of ovulation. У детей — угнетение коры надпочечников (when high-dose), hepatic failure. При быстром в/м введении — кашель, breathlessness.


Antigonadotropnym action cyproterone enhanced when combined with GnRH agonists. Against the background of cyproterone may change the need for oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin.

Dosing and Administration.

/ M, inside. The mode set individually depending on the disease. Dose reduction and cancellation of treatment produce gradually. Prostate Cancer: v/m is on 300 mg 1 every 1-2 weeks, внутрь — по 50–100 мг 1–3 раза в сутки. Hypersexuality in males: inside - by 50 mg 2 once a day (при необходимости — по 100 mg 2-3 times a day); при достижении эффекта дозу снижают до минимальной поддерживающей — по 25 mg 2 once a day; в/м — по 300–600 мг 1 every 10-14 days. Pronounced phenomenon androgenization women: inside, by 100 mg 1 once a day from the 1st to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle (at the same time shows the assignment of progestogen-estrogen preparation from the 1st to the 21st day of the cycle). Through 21 day of therapy to accept a break in the 7 days, during which bleeding occurs menstrualnopodobnoe. Babies: inside, 25-50 mg 2 once a day.


During treatment requires monitoring of liver function, adrenal cortex and peripheral blood. If signs of hepatotoxicity taking the drug should be discontinued. Diabetic patients may require dose adjustment of insulin or other hypoglycemic agents (often necessary, than usual to carry out the control of blood glucose levels). In the period of treatment should refrain from engaging in activities, requiring greater attention. Children, receiving large doses of the drug, at high intensity loads may need replacement therapy with glucocorticoids (because the latent adrenal insufficiency).

When taken together with alcohol treatment in patients with abnormally high sex drive can be observed decrease in the effect of therapy.

In very rare cases during treatment with cyproterone acetate may occur rarely benign and malignant liver tumors.

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