
When ATH:


Greenish-yellow crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water, it is soluble in alcohol.

Pharmacological action.
Neuroleptic, antipsychotic, sedation, miorelaksiruyuschee.


Acute and chronic forms of schizophrenia, mania, affective insanity, various psychotic states, psychomotor agitation in psychosis, aggressiveness, sleep disorders.


Hypersensitivity, diseases of the hematopoietic system, alcoholic and toxic psychoses, myasthenia, pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply.

Severe liver disease, kidney and cardiovascular system, increased susceptibility to seizures, epilepsy, zakrыtougolynaya glaucoma, prostatauxe, bowel atony, intercurrent illness with fever syndrome.

Side effects.

Muscular weakness, drowsiness, confusion, dry mouth, sometimes hypersalivation, Parez akkomodacii, tachycardia, decrease in blood pressure and dizziness (orthostatic hypotension), flattening of the T wave on the ECG, Hyperthermia central origin, exacerbation of chronic or latent infection foci (tonsillitis, periostitis, pyoderma), granulocytopenia (vploty to agranulocytosis).


Do effect sedatives, Narcotic, analgesics and hypnotics, alcohol, effects on the central nervous system antihistamines, ослабляет — леводопы (and other Dofaminomimetiki). The absorption from the gut is getting worse while taking the gel structure antacids and cholestyramine.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside (гранулы из одноразового пакета разводят в 5–10 мл воды), после еды — по 50–200 мг 2–3 раза в день, daily dose for adults: начальная — 150–300 мг, средняя — 200–400 мг, высшая — 600 mg. Для поддерживающей терапии и амбулаторным больным назначают по 25–200 мг. Разовая доза для детей 6–8 лет — 5–10 мг, 8–15 лет — 10–20 мг, суточная доза для детей 6–8 лет — 15–30 мг, 8–15 лет — 30–60 мг, it is divided into 2-3 doses; высшая суточная доза для детей — 100 mg.


During treatment should not drive vehicles or perform work, requiring increased attention and rapid mental and motor responses. A periodic (first weekly, and then every 3-4 months) контроль за картиной крови — при появлении гранулоцитопении лечение немедленно прекращают.

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