Clodronic acid

When ATH:

Pharmacological action.
Inhibiting bone resorption.


Osteoporosis and osteolysis resulting from increased bone resorption (malignant neoplasms and metastasis), hypercalcemia malignant tumors. Prevention of bone metastasis of primary breast cancer.



Side effects.

Редко — диспепсия, impairment of renal function, proteinuria, increased creatinine, increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, slight hypocalcemia.


Calcium, gland, Antacids reduce the effectiveness. Aminoglycosides can cause severe hypocalcemia.


Symptoms: increase in serum creatinine, hypocalcemia (with clinical manifestations and without them). After discontinuation of the drug in plasma calcium levels normalize on their own within 4 Nights.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, / drip. In severe hypercalcemia, and severe pain in the bones should start with I / (Drip) введения препарата — 3–5 мг/кг в течение 3–5 дней с переходом на пероральный прием. При миеломной болезни — 1,6–2,4 г/сут внутрь, раке молочной железы — 2,4–3,2 г/сут с дальнейшим снижением дозы до 1,6 g / day, раке предстательной железы — 1,6–3,2 г/сут.


Caution must be exercised on / in patients with severe renal insufficiency (it is recommended to reduce the dose). When side effects from the digestive tract needed a dose adjustment. Showed regular monitoring of calcium levels in the blood plasma. With the development of hypocalcemia recommended short break in treatment. For the period of treatment is recommended to limit the consumption of foods, rich in calcium (milk, cheese, cabbage, salad, radishes, apricots, Strawberry, lemons). Calcium (shows) We should not be taken simultaneously with clodronic acid (It requires 1-2 hours interval).


Do not simultaneously use other bisphosphonates.

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