What are hemorrhoids?

How big is the risk of dying from hemorrhoids and whether the patient understands the reasons for the emergence of this disease?

Hemorrhoids – the disease is unpleasant and is associated with such delicate anatomical area, what about it there are a lot of misconceptions. And anecdotes and tales about hemorrhoids invented more, than skilled treatment tips.

Therefore, to avoid the "paltry" approach to gemorroju, you need to start with the basics. If you understand, What is the essence of this disease, You can win. Most importantly misleading, preventing the most suffering to get rid of hemorrhoids-try to find one single effective recipe and use it to heal once and for all. But even modern, not the cheapest methods of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids do not guarantee victory.

Hemorrhoids is one of the most common non-communicable diseases. Hemorrhoids suffers an average of 118 people from 1000, and its specific weight among diseases of the rectum is about 40%. Treatment needs to 20% patients with pathology of hemorrhoids.

First, what you need to learn, -hemorrhoids treated only in an integrated manner, for several months. And then you want to maintain the body in an appropriate State, not to create the conditions for the emergence of the disease once again. And that's why it's important.

Hemorrhoids is a varicose veins. Happens not only at varicose legs, but in the pelvic area. Indirect signs that the, that a person is predisposed to gemorroju, can serve existing violations in leg veins, and men — and yet the spermatic cord.

When hemorrhoids dilatation occurs in the back passage, and if to be more precise, and the rectal area. Formed gemorroidale nodes, that some mistaken for tumour. Meanwhile, it's just your own human vein, overflowing with blood and sealed. From these plexuses formed nodes of various shapes and sizes, that when calm the patient down and reduced, When natuzhivanii same swell and grow.

Depending on, which of the venous plexuses suffered more, It is formed by an internal or external hemorrhoids. When the outside form affects more closely spaced toward the exit vein. There are cases, When education hemorrhoids involved both Plexus. Depending on the type of arrangement of units they can disturb differently. Not to mention that, that fundamentally different acute and chronic form.

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