Wartwort – Cordata 50.
Perennial herb up to 90-110 cm, families makovыh (Papaveraceae). In wild-growing form of celandine grows in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. For health purposes harvest the grass plants.
Wartwort – chemical composition
In the grass celandine alkaloids found (xelidonin, gomoxelidonin, sangvinarin, xeleritrin, protopyn, sparteine et al.), flavonoidы, saponins, organic acid (helidonovaya, apple, Citric, Amber), essential oil, Vitamin A, vitamin C.
Wartwort – Pharmacological properties
Grass celandine has a versatile pharmacological activity. However, the main properties are antispasmodic celandine, choleretic and anti-inflammatory (baktericidnыe). The greatest pharmacological activity have celandine alkaloids. For Example, chelidonine gives a pronounced analgesic and calming effect, similar in effect to the main poppy alkaloids - morphine and papaverine. Besides, this alkaloid has antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle organs, It has hypotensive and bradycardic property.
Color Other alkaloid purity - gomohelidonin, opposite, It gives excitingly-convulsive effect and exhibits local anesthetic activity. Alkaloid protopin, contained in the plant in a fairly large number of, It reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system and unlike chelidonine enhances smooth muscle tone. For chelerythrine characteristic expression mestnorazdrazhayuschee action.
Of all the compounds contained in the plant most fully studied sangviritrin (the amount of alkaloids sanguinarine and reeleritrina). In various kinds of experimental animals was found distinct anticholinesterase drug effect. Besides, Experiments have shown, sangviritrin that potentiates the effect of acetylcholine and improves neuromuscular conduction. In the study of the properties of obschefarmakologicheskih Sanguirythrine effects have been confirmed, typical for the whole group anticholinesterases, and set, alkaloid that has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. He bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like fungi and Trichomonas.
In animal experiments, aqueous extract of celandine when applied topically has some anti-tumor effect.
Wartwort – medical applications
Earlier in the practice of medicine celandine is widely used in cutaneous tuberculosis, gout and rheumatism. Outwardly it was used to treat warts and corns, lišaev, eczema, Skin Cancer, mainly in the form of fresh juice or ointment, prepared from grass plants, by three times the daily lubrication of affected areas. In broth celandine herbs bathed children in various skin diseases.
In a tincture or a major component in the training camp celandine and is currently used for liver and gall bladder, to treat gout and certain skin diseases. There is information about the use of broth celandine in the form of hot baths in psoriasis. At the same disease had a good result in patients when used topically 50 % celandine extract, mixed with pork fat, in combination with the simultaneous ingestion 20 % alcohol tinctures of celandine.
Of interest is the clinical experience of the use of celandine to treat itching dermatoses. Under steady-state conditions have been applied water extract of fresh or dried plant, often in the form of infusion or decoction of the rate of 0,25 to 10 g herb to 100 ml of water. Used gadgets, compresses and baths. Treatment was sick with some itchy dermatoses in the stage of acute inflammation and soak. 2-3-day treatment of patients decreased itching or disappears, epithelialization observed eroded surfaces, reduced infiltration of skin lesions. In the future, the treatment bath of infusion of celandine combined with ointments, have a regenerating and keratolytic properties.
Based on clinical observations found, that the infusion and decoction of celandine herbs in some pruritic dermatoses have antipruritic, and anti-inflammatory properties epiteliziruyutsya stage of acute inflammation, vesiculation and soak.
Sanguirythrine as a liniment, and the solution is effective in alveolar Pioro, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, long-term healing wounds, ulcers and other diseases, caused by antibiotic-resistant microflora. Sanguirythrine yields positive results in herpetic ulcerative stomatitis, Trichomonas coleitis and cervical erosion. Besides, sangviritrin successfully used in various forms of myopathies, when sensory and motor disorders, related diseases and traumatic injuries of the nervous system (polio, Cerebral Palsy).
Celandine in pharmaceutical forms for external use is contraindicated in persons, epilepsy, asthma, stenokardiey, and a variety of neurological syndromes. For internal use of herbal medicines in large quantities celandine or overdose charges, including celandine as a main component, patients may develop poisoning with nausea, vomiting, paralysis of the respiratory center.
Wartwort – Dosage Forms, Dosing and Administration
Infusion of herbs celandine: 5 g (1 tablespoon) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (water bath) 15 m, cooled at room temperature for 45 m, filter. The remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 d.
Take 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before a meal as a diuretic, zhelchegonnoe, laxative and sedative.
The raw material stored in a dry, cool place.