Stachys bukvitsetsvetny, forest – Stachys betonicaeflora Rupr.

Perennial herb up to 80-120 cm, families gubotsvetnыh (Lamiaceae). It grows everywhere in the middle of the climate call of Russia. For medical purposes harvested aerial parts plants - grass.

Чистец буквицецветный, лесной - Stachys betonicaeflora Rupr.

Stachys bukvitsetsvetny – Chemical composition

In the grass contains Stachys drop cap color resin and tannins, flavonoid compound, anthocyanins, betaine base (staxidrin), Essential oils and other chemicals. The Stachys sylvatica contain essential oils, mix, organic acid, tannins, resin, betaine compounds (betonicin, Turičinim, staxidrin, trigonelline), and various vitamins.

Stachys bukvitsetsvetny – Pharmacological properties

Herbal medicines of both species Stachys have styptic, anti-inflammatory, stimulate contractility of the uterine muscle. Besides, in experiments on laboratory animals galenic plants produce appreciable hypotensive effect, improve the contractile activity of the heart muscle and dilates coronary vessels, have sedative and antispasmodic action.

Stachys bukvitsetsvetny – Use in medicine

Herbal medicines herbs Stachys drop cap colored wood is used in treatment of uterine bleeding of various etiologies, mainly during the postpartum period when uterine atony, when it subinvolution, bleeding, associated with inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive medium, as well as various disorders of the menstrual cycle.

There is little experience in the clinical use of the plant in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, the initial stage of hypertension, and to improve cerebral circulation.

Stachys bukvitsetsvetny – Formulations, mode of application, dose

Tincture Stachys bukvitsetsvetnogo - Liquid dark green, pleasant taste. Take 1 teaspoon (dissolve in 3 tablespoons boiling water) 2-3 Times a day.

The extract liquid Stachys bukvitsetsvetnogo - Alcohol extraction 1:1 on 40 % alcohol from the aerial parts of Stachys bukvitsetsvetnogo. It is used in uterine bleeding of various origins 20-30 drops to a reception inside 3-4 times a day.

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