Calcium chloride

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Colorless, odorless crystals, bitter-salty taste. Calcium chloride is easily soluble in water (4:1) with strong cooling solution, slightly soluble in ethanol. Very hygroscopic, air spreads. Contains 27% Calcium. Molecular weight 110,98.

Pharmacological action.
Antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, detoxification, reducing capillary permeability.


Hypocalcemia, increased need for calcium (pregnancy, lactation, the period of intensive growth of the organism), insufficient intake of calcium from food, violation of calcium metabolism, incl. in post-menopausal, increased excretion of calcium (chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia, incl. against the background of long-term use of certain diuretics, anticonvulsant drugs or glucocorticoids), bleeding of different etiology and localization (Pulmonary, gastrointestinal, Nasal, uterine and others.), allergic diseases and reactions, incl. serum sickness, hives, itch, angioedema, bronchial asthma, and exudative inflammatory processes, incl. pneumonia, pleurisy, adnexitis, endometritis, increased vascular permeability (gemorragicheskiy vasculitis, radiation sickness), dystrophic nutritional edema, gipoparatireoz, hypocalcemia, spasmophilia, lead colic, tetany, giperkaliemicheskaya form of periodic paralysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, rickets and osteomalyatsiya, hepatitis (parenhimatoznыy, toxic), jade, eclampsia, poisoning magnesium salts, oxalic and hydrofluoric acid, eczema, psoriasis, uterine inertia.


Hypersensitivity, hypercalcemia, atherosclerosis, tendency to thrombosis.

Side effects.

If ingestion is pain in the epigastria, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, gastritis. The on/in the introduction-feeling heat, flushing of the face, bradycardia; with the rapid on/in the introduction-fibrillace ventricular heart; local reaction in the on/in the introduction-pain and hyperemia's veins.

Dosing and Administration.

B /, slowly (by 6 drops / min) before the introduction of 5-10 ml 10% solution, diluted in 100-200 ml izotoniceski solution of sodium chloride or 5% dextrose. Inside, after meal, a 5-10% solution 2-3 times a day: adults-10-15 ml per intake, children 5-10 ml.


You cannot enter p/to and/m-possible tissue necrosis (calcium chloride, since the concentration 5%, It has a strong irritant effect). The on / in a calcium chloride appears at first sensation of heat in the mouth, and then throughout the body (This effect previously used in determining the speed of blood flow is recorded time between introduction to Vienna calcium chloride and the emergence of a sense of heat).

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