Elder chernaya – Black elder L.
A small tree or shrub up to 10-12 m, families zhimolostnыh (Caprifoliaceae). Distributed elder in the southern belt of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. For medical purposes, harvest flowers plants.
The chemical composition of elderberry
Elder flowers contain glycosides sambunigrin (isomer amigdonitrila), splits into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid, and rutin, essential oil, organic acid (Coffee,. apple, valeric, chlorogenic) and tannins.
The pharmacological properties of elderberry
Elder flowers have diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, mild diuretic and expectorant. Anti-inflammatory properties of herbal medicines flowers plants due to cumulative exposure to fatty oil, attenuating the initial phase of inflammation, and rutin, which has anti-inflammatory effects in the phase of exudation, and also reduces the effects sensitization and reduces the permeability of vascular walls.
Diaphoretic effects of drugs elderberry, apparently, It is carried out by increasing the sensitivity centers, regulate sweating, and not a direct effect on the skin sweat glands. It noted a mild laxative effect after application of high doses of a kind and gentle analgesic effect, which consists in reducing the pain reaction of central origin.
The use of elderberry in medicine
Dosage forms of elder is used as diaphoretic for colds, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, as well as the flu and angina. Infusions of the flowers of the plant is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat with inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx, when laryngitis and tonsillitis. Apply them as externally in the form of lotions, moist dressings for burns, wounds, boils. Hemorrhoids recommended local bath infusion of elder.
Drugs of elder flowers are used for certain functional disorders of the liver and as a diuretic for kidney disease, especially accompanied by swelling. Laxative properties of the plant are used in combination herbal laxatives. We learn some good results in the treatment of myositis, neuralgia and diseases of the joints elderberry flowers as a poultice.
Dosage forms of elder, Dosing and Administration
Infusion of black elderberry flowers 5 g (1 tablespoon) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) 15 m, cooled for 45 min at room temperature, filter. The remaining raw materials squeeze, volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 d.
Take in the form of heat for 1 / 2--1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day.