Crohn's Disease – what is this, treatment of disease, symptoms and prevention of Crohn's disease
Crohn's Disease – What is this disease? Crohn's disease is a chronic non-specific inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can affect any division of gastrointestinal tract (from the mouth and up the rectum), but most often affects the Terminal segment of the ileum.
Crohn's Disease: the cause of the
To date, the cause of the disease remains unknown, but among the possible factors of development suggest heredity, infectious agents, immunological violations.
Crohn's Disease: symptoms
When Crohn's disease occurs inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which ultimately leads to the formation of genital defects. Ulcers are felt advent stomachaches, selection of blood and mucus from faeces, frequent diarejami, who is accompanied by painful sensations when urinating. Defekacij frequency increases and can reach 10 once a day. While the general condition of the patient is broken, It can be confusing for loss of appetite, vomiting, malaise, flatulence, weight loss. Sometimes the body temperature rises. For Crohn's disease is also characterized by hitting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, that is manifested by the formation of fistulas, fissure, stenosis. To vnekishechnym the symptoms of Crohn's disease include: inflammatory diseases of the eye (conjunctivitis, keratit, uveitis), oral (thrush), skin lesions (Nodular Erythema, angiit, gangrenoznaya Pyoderma), kidney (nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, gidronefroz, Renal Amyloidosis), liver and biliary tract (fatty liver, sclerosing cholangitis, hololitiaz, cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma), inflammation of joints (monoartrit, ankiloziruyushtiy spondylitis).
Crohn's Disease: diagnostics
The gold standard for diagnosis of Crohn's disease is considered to be endoscopic research methods (Colonoscopy, endoscopy) with biopsy (fence pieces of tissue for histological study). Besides, for diagnosis, should undertake a study of the koprologicheskoe, ultrasound examination (Abdominal ultrasound), review x-rays of the abdomen, irrigografiju, jenteroklizis.
Crohn's Disease: types of disease
Depending on the localization of pathological process distinguish the following types of Crohn's disease:
- upper gastrointestinal tract;
- colitis;
- ileokolit;
- Terminal ileitis.
Depending on the clinical course:
- acute;
- chronic;
- chronic continuous, recurring.
Clinical forms:
- inflammatory (with the formation of infiltrations);
- obstrukcionnaja (with the formation of the strictures);
- penetrirujushhaja (with infiltrations, abscess, fistulas).
Depending on the degree of activity:
- minimal;
- moderate;
- expressed.
The severity of:
- remission;
- mild;
- medium degree;
- heavy.
Crohn's Disease: patient actions
In the treatment of Crohn's disease, it is important to stick to your diet, quit smoking, avoid receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, diclofenac, Ibuprofen, naproxen), stressful situations.
Crohn's Disease: treatment
Basic therapy of Crohn's disease include appointment aminosalicyclic acid derivatives (sul'fosalazin, mesalazine), systemic glucocorticoids (prednisolone, gidrokortizon), topicheskih glucocorticoids (budesonide, budenofal'k, fluticasone propionate), nonselective (azathioprine, azafal'k, 6-merkaptopurin, methotrexat) и селективных иммуносупрессоров (cyclosporin A). Immunosupresory is used in refractory and steroidzavisimyh forms of Crohn's disease, However, serious side effects, characteristic for this group, limit their use.
As a complementary therapy to apply antibiotics (metronidazol, Ciprofloxacin), drugs for correction of metabolic disturbances and detoxification (sorbilakt, reosorbilakt, HEC), parenteral nutrition (fat emulsions, glucose), nourishing blends, Probiotics, enzymatic preparations, sorbents.
Indications for surgical treatment:
1. Острые осложнения:
• перфорация толстой кишки;
• параколярные инфильтраты и абсцессы брюшной полости;
• перитонит;
• профузное кишечное кровотечение;
• острая токсическая дилатация толстой кишки
2. Malignancy.
3. Тяжелое непрерывно рецидивирующее течение заболевания.
With the development of acute complications of Crohn's disease spend koljektomiju ileostomy formation with subsequent reconstructive-regenerative surgery.
Crohn's Disease: complications
- Ileus.
- Infiltrates, abscesses in the abdomen.
- Intestinal bleeding.
- Ulcer.
- Perforation of the intestinal wall in loose abdomen.
- Toxic dilation of the colon.
- Formation of abdominal adhesions.
Crohn's Disease: prevention
To reduce the risk of disease should abandon bad habits, eat rationally, avoid nervous and physical overexertion.