Buerger's disease – Thromboangiitis obliterans

Buerger’s Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)

What is Buerger's disease?

Buerger's disease – inflammation of blood vessels. The disease most often affects the blood vessels in the hands and feet. Inflammation and blood clots, which are formed in the inflamed area can block blood flow, cause pain, damage and even death of tissue.

Causes of Buerger's disease

Causes of Buerger's disease is unknown.

Buerger's disease Risk Factors

The main risk factor for Buerger's disease is tobacco use – cigarette smoking, Use of chewing tobacco, Smoking cigars or consumption of any other type of tobacco.

Other risk factors include:

  • Paul: men;
  • Age: 20-40 years;
  • Geographical position: Eastern Europe, Mediterranean and Asian countries.

Symptoms of Buerger's disease

The main symptom of Buerger's disease – blood flow disturbance. Persons with this disease usually have problems at first in the hands and feet. They may include:

  • Pain, numbness, burning, pricking;
  • Cold hands and feet;
  • Livor (eg, white, red or bluish color of the skin of the hands or feet) – These color changes may be due to certain factors, such as the residence time of the skin at low temperatures. This is called Raynaud's phenomenon.

Buerger's disease can lead to swelling under the skin, the appearance of wounds and ulcers. The most serious complication is the death of tissue (gangrene). A sign of gangrene may yavlyatsya blackening of the fingers on the hands or feet.

Diagnosis of Buerger's disease

Buerger's disease is sometimes quite difficult to diagnose, because its symptoms can be similar to other diseases:

  • Accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries;
  • Other diseases, that cause inflammation in the blood vessels;
  • Raynaud's phenomenon;
  • Blood clotting.


  • Ask about medical history, with particular emphasis on tobacco consumption;
  • Ask about symptoms of the disease;
  • Perform a physical examination (including conduct tests to verify circulation);
  • Blood tests.

The doctor may also prescribe angiography. In this case, the blood vessels are administered radiopaque chemical preparation, which allows to make visible on X-rays. This test can help the doctor determine the blocking blood flow.

Treatment of Buerger's disease

After, diagnosed with Buerger's disease, the most important step – you need to quit smoking. This will help reduce the likelihood of worsening illness. There are many methods to get rid of tobacco dependence, the doctor can best.

Other treatments may include Buerger's disease:

  • Proper care of the wounds appeared;
  • You will need to pay special attention to the condition of the skin. If the legs are numb, you can not understand, what in your tax. The doctor may ask you to carefully examine your skin on a daily basis;
  • Medication (eg, Pain Relief, vasodilation);
  • Exercises to improve circulation;
  • Operation, to improve blood circulation and reduce pain.

In severe cases, amputation may be necessary, to remove dead tissue. People, who continue to smoke more often requires amputation.

Buerger's disease prevention

The best way to prevent Buerger's disease – abandon the use of tobacco.

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