Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) at home, eyelid lift without surgery at home

All women want to keep a young and attractive appearance longer.. Some people do it better, someone less. Anyway, in many ways, beauty is the result of constant care, work on yourself and a healthy lifestyle.
On our body there are areas, who are more sensitive and exposed to negative factors than others. To them, Firstly, belong eyelids, whose skin is the thinnest.
The area around the eyes requires special and thorough care., which is better to start as early as possible, aged 20-25 years. If you wake up too late, then to improve the appearance of the century resort to plastic surgery, it's called blepharoplasty.
What is blepharoplasty?
Eyelid surgery with the help of surgical intervention is performed in the following cases:
- if there is a desire or need to change the shape or shape of the eyes;
- desire to get rid of wrinkles, "higher" century, bags and dark circles under the eyes.
Blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids can be performed separately, or a combination of the two.
How is the operation performed?
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made on the skin of the upper and lower eyelids along natural folds., because of them, adipose tissue is removed, excess skin. Then sutures are placed, after a while they are removed, scars heal, fade and become almost invisible.
In most cases, the acute rehabilitation period after surgery lasts about seven to ten days.. After this time, a person can go to work and lead a normal life.. Allowed to use hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics, Before going out, wear sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun..
The effect obtained after surgical eyelid surgery remains forever: eyes become more open, the face becomes younger and takes on a rested look.
Complications after blepharoplasty surgery
In some cases, a slight change in the shape of the eyes is possible., which is not suitable for all patients.. Eyes may become more rounded, outer eyelids droop slightly, what makes your face look sad. In the event that a large amount of skin was removed during the operation on the lower eyelid, it can pull down, but it usually goes away after 6 months.. If not, then you need a second operation..
Other complications, who may meet, much less serious and temporary. This applies to postoperative bruises and bruises. Cases of imported infections, corneal damage, although theoretically possible, but in practice they were not met.
How to avoid eyelid surgery?
Of course, Blepharoplasty can't be done at home, but it's quite possible, regularly caring for the eyelids, prevent the need for such an operation.
Proper eyelid skin care includes a set of measures:
- Use of high-quality decorative cosmetics and care products.
- Thorough and gentle cleaning.
- Special Procedures (massage, masks).
If hanging upper eyelids are, usually, a consequence of age-related changes, or hereditary, the appearance of bags under the eyes can be caused by other reasons, which are completely removable.
The main reason, along which bags under the eyes appear - this is a thinning of the connective tissue of the membrane, located between the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the eyes. The following factors influence this:
- injury, resulting in impaired circulation;
- accumulation of fluid in the body as a result of various diseases.
How to get rid of bags under the eyes at home?
In the first place, try to build your lifestyle in this way, to minimize the influence of the above factors.
Secondly, accustom yourself to daily procedures for proper skin care of the eyelids:
- Use special eye makeup removers, it's desirable, so they don't smell.
- Do not touch or rub your eyes with dirty hands.
- Decorative cosmetics should not cause allergic reactions (redness, itch, peeling).
- Use eye cream in the morning and evening.
- Wash your face with cool water in the morning.
- Freeze ice and apply it through a soft cloth to the eyelids.
- During the warm season, when the sun is at its strongest, use special sunscreen.
Pamper yourself with eye masks more often:
- Brew strong black tea without flavors, when it cools down a bit, dip a cotton swab into it and apply it to the centuries on 10-15 minutes.
- Pour a teaspoon of dried and chopped sage with half a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew 20 minutes. Strain the broth and divide it into two parts: put one in the fridge, and the other, opposite, warm up a little. Take two cotton swabs and soak one in cold water, the other is hot. During 10 minutes alternately apply to the eyelids, then one, then another compress. Perform this procedure before going to bed every other day for a month.. After lotions, apply a little camphor oil to the eyelids..
- Summer, when fresh cucumbers are always at hand, every day apply to the eyelids on 30 minutes thin slices of this vegetable.