Everlasting Sand – Helichrysum arenarium L.

Perennial herbaceous plant 30-40 cm, families slozhnotsvetnыh (Combined). Grows in middle and southern strip of the European part of Russia, less common in the south of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. For therapeutic purposes, harvest flowers plant.

Бессмертник песчаный - Helichrysum arenarium L.

Everlasting Sand – chemical composition

The inflorescences contain essential oil Helichrysum, flavonoid glycosides (salipurpurozid, kaempferol and izosalipurpurozid), flavonoidы (naringenin and apigenin), and several unidentified colorants phenolic character, vitamins (ascorbic acid and vitamin K). Besides, inflorescences immortelle found ftalidy, polyols, steroid compound, essential oil, inositol, tannins, fatty acids, mineral salts and trace elements.

Everlasting Sand – Pharmacological properties

Galenic Helichrysum improve bile, reduced concentration of bile acids, increase the content cholates and bilirubin in the bile. Preparations Helichrysum holatoholesterinovy ​​rate increase and the tone of the gall bladder. Helichrysum extract has antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle of the intestine, biliary tract, gall bladder and blood vessels. These properties are due to the presence of flavonoid compounds in Helichrysum. Besides, immortelle drugs stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and activate secretory capacity of the pancreas, increased diuresis. The experiment also found antibacterial activity of Helichrysum flowers. Preparations low toxicity Helichrysum, however, long-term use may cause congestion in the liver.

Everlasting Sand – medical applications

Bile, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties of the plant are used in various diseases of liver and biliary tract.

Preparations for cholecystitis Helichrysum, holetsistoangioholitah, cholelithiasis, and hepatitis increase the secretion of bile, alter its chemical composition, increase content cholates, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood. Patients general condition improves, pain disappear, dyspeptic symptoms.

Leveraging the secretion of bile and providing pronounced antispasmodic action, Helichrysum drugs help wash away sand and small stones in chronic calculous cholecystitis. Who Togo, enhancing bile, Helichrysum drugs prevent stagnation of bile, improve the metabolic function of the liver, reduce the viscosity of the bile and its relative density, reduce the concentration of bilirubin in it and cholesterol.

Everlasting Sand – Dosage Forms, Dosing and Administration

A decoction of the flowers immortelle: 10 g (3 tablespoons) flowers are placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring 30 m, cooled 10 min at room temperature, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting broth bring boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place no more 2 d.

Take 1/2 cup of warm 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before eating as cholagogue.

Flowers are stored in dry, cool place.

Helichrysum extract dry. Assign 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Collection (tea) cholagogic: flowers immortelle 4 parts, Leaf trefoil 3 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. One tablespoon brew two cups of boiling water, insist for 20 m, strain. Take half a cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Flamin (Flamenco) the sum of flavonoids immortelle. Applied with chronic cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis on 1 tablet 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating (with a small amount of warm water). The course of treatment 10-40 days.

Available in tablets 0,05 g.

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