Bazalʹnokletočnaâ cancer – Hair matrix carcinoma
Описание базальноклеточной карциномы
Hair matrix carcinoma – the most common form of skin cancer. The name comes from basal cells, which underlie the outer layer of the skin. These cancerous клетки растут медленно и, как правило не распространяются на другие ткани в организме. Базальноклеточная карцинома редко заканчивается смертельным исходом, но может быть локально разрушительной и требует лечения или удаления.
Причины базальноклеточной карциномы
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) излучения при пребывании на солнце, особенно в детстве, It considered the main cause of basal cell carcinoma. Nonetheless, It must also be a combination of the sun and genetic factors, that make it more likely the development of cancer.
Risk factors
Factors, increasing the risk of basal cell carcinoma:
- Sunburns in childhood, freckles or prolonged exposure to the sun;
- Sun exposure in adulthood;
- Blue or green eyes;
- Blonde or red hair;
- A family history of skin cancer;
- The presence of skin cancer in the past;
- Treatment, which suppresses the immune system (eg, organ transplant);
- History of radiation therapy;
- Some rare genetic diseases, такие как синдром Горлин – наследственная группа дефектов кожи, Nervous System, eye, эндокринных желез, и костей.
- Frequent use of the solarium.
Симптомы базальноклеточной карциномы
Symptoms include:
- Early, которая может покрыться коркой, bleeds, или сочиться в течение трех недель без заживления;
- Поднятое, красное пятно на коже, которое может быть зудящим;
- Розовый нарост с немного поднятой границей и впадиной в середине;
- skin, по внешнему виду похожий на шрам.
Диагностика базальноклеточной карциномы
Diagnosis, probably, будет поставлен врачом, который специализируется на болезнях кожи – дерматологом. A dermatologist examines a sample of skin and seeds (perform a biopsy), to test for cancer cells. Then the doctor decide on a treatment plan based on the size, subtypes, and location of the tumor.
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Your doctor may recommend one of the following:
- Mikrograficheskaya surgery in Moosu- microscopically controlled surgery, which shows the best cure for basal cell carcinoma;
- Removing built-up conventional surgical methods;
- The use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the cancer;
- Filguratsiya and curettage – treatment with a curette (sharp, spoon-shaped tool) and electrical current;
- Radiation therapy;
- Fotodinamicheskaya therapy – cells are treated with acid, which causes them to die when exposed to light;
- Creams, especially fluorouracil or imiquimod;
- It can be used for plastic surgery cosmetic problems solutions, that arise after treatment.
Prevention of basal cell carcinoma
The following are ways, allowing to reduce the risk of basal cell carcinoma:
- Reducing sun exposure. It is necessary to apply sunscreen, wear long-sleeved, trousers and cover the head;
- Do not stay in the sun in the middle of the day;
- Ultraviolet light is stronger at higher elevations. When skiing or busy with other winter sports have to use sunscreen;
- At the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma to do monthly inspections of the skin to external changes. A dermatologist examines a mole, freckles, and other growths.
- We need to limit the time of the child's stay in the sun;
- We must learn to recognize the early stages of basal cell carcinoma. If you suspect that the disease need to seek treatment;
- According to the doctor, you can take retinoids (eg, thiamin). This can prevent the recurrence of cancer.