Bacterioscopic study of cerebrospinal fluid

In the cerebrospinal fluid can detect mycobacterium tuberculosis, meningococcus, streptokokki, Staphylococcus and other microorganisms.

To identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis smears prepared from fibrinous film and the precipitate after centrifugation of cerebrospinal fluid. The preparation of fibrinous film should be thin, To cook gently stretch needle film, slightly heated bacterial loop.

Preparations stained Tsilyu- Nelsenu. A negative study bacterioscopic seeded.

To detect meningococcus sterile spinal fluid taken (to cool) immediately sent to the laboratory for sowing, where it is centrifuged, swabs made from sediment and stained by Gram. The preparations look like meningococcus diplokokkov.

In order to detect streptococcus and other pathogens of purulent meningitis Gram stained smears, and seeded in the culture media.

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