Astragalus sherstystotsvetkovыy – Astragalus dasyanthus L.

Perennial herbaceous plant 30-40 cm, leguminous (Fabaceae). In wild-growing form is found in the south and in the middle belt of the European part of Russia. For medical purposes, harvest above-ground part of the plant.

Астрагал шерстистоцветковый - Astragalus dasyanthus L.

The chemical composition of Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo

The grass Astragalus contains starch sherstistotsvetkovogo, mucous and colorants, glycyrrhizin, organic acid, polisaxaridы, triterpenoid saponins, flavonoidы, minerals and various trace elements.

The pharmacological properties of Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo

Herbal medicines herb astragalus (infusions and decoctions) in experiments on animals have hypotensive, cardiotonic and a noticeable calming effect. These drugs have a positive inotropic and negative chronotropic effects on cardiac function, dilate the coronary vessels and improve blood circulation in the kidneys, which makes them diuretic properties.

The use of astragalus in medicine sherstistotsvetkovogo

Infusions and decoctions, made from herbs Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo, used in the primary form of hypertension, chronic circulatory failure stage I and II, as well as in acute glomerulonephritis in the early stage of the disease. Besides, Astragalus is effective in failure of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by a slight swelling, razdralsitelnosti symptoms and easy excitability.

Formulations of Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo, Dosing and Administration

Infusion of herbs astragalus (Infused herb Astragali). Cooking method: 10 Mr. grass (2 tablespoons) placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, was heated in a boiling water bath for 15 m, cooled at room temperature for about 45 m, filter, top up with boiled water to 200 ml. Take 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

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