Apraxia is the treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of the disease apraxia

Apraxia is a disorder, represents the complexity in implementing targeted sustained action. This violation was not due to muscle weakness or incoordination of movements. Apraxia is a rather complex nejropsihologicheskim violation. Is not an independent disease, and is regarded as a secondary symptom of other diseases.

Apraxia is a cause of

Disease, usually, develops when dark lesions share brain. In rare cases, apraxia occurs when defeat the frontal lobes and the Corpus Callosum. Data breach may provocirovatsja the following pathological processes:

  • cerebrovascular accident, that flows into the dementia;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain (eg, encephalitis);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • brain tumors.

Symptoms of apraxia

In some cases the disease is asymptomatic. Apraxia can manifest the following symptoms:

  • difficulty when performing sequential movements. For Example, difficulties may arise when combing hair or opening laces. Similar symptoms in everyday life may not manifest itself, But while diagnosing doctor;
  • complexity in action, related to spatial orientation;
  • captured gait or walking in small increments;
  • difficulty with dressing;
  • difficulty opening the eye;
  • other symptoms.


In the first stage of the analysis of the complaints of the patient and medical history. When neurological examination the doctor thoroughly examines the patient for the presence of associated neurological disorders. Neuropsychologist evaluates the patient's status by poll, interview or with the help of a specially written questionnaires.

Instrumental Diagnostics with apraxia includes magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the head, allow layers to explore the structure of the brain. In some cases, such diagnostic techniques can identify possible reasons for apraxia.


Identify the following types of apraxia:

  • amnesticheskaja apraxia-violation, associated with difficulties in carrying out the action at the request of the doctor. So, the patient may forget the sequence of actions;
  • ideatornaja apraxia. This form is characterized by the, the patient cannot perform a sequence of actions. With each activity individually, it can easily handle. For example, the patient may experience difficulty when writing pen, with that, you must first remove the CAP and fit it on the opposite end of the handle. The patient can write the wrong end of the handles, or write, without removing the pen with Cap;
  • constructional apraxia. This is a violation of, where the patient is hard to compose the subject of its parts. For Example, of the four matches the patient is unable to leave the square;
  • apraxia walk-gait (When this muscle strength is maintained);
  • apraxia of eyelid opening is difficulty opening the eye;
  • dressing apraxia.

Apraxia-patient Actions

Symptoms, pointing to the possible development of apraxia, require a doctor-neurologist.

Apraxia treatment

Apraxia treatment is to eliminate the disease, that is the cause of the neuropsychological violations. Special types of apraxia treatment does not exist.

To eliminate the disease the patient may be treated, of the control of blood pressure. The appointment of drugs, improve cerebral circulation. When malignant processes in the brain produce tumor removal. Also appointed by drugs, improving the condition of the patient functions Neuropsychological.


The main complication of apraxia is difficulty in adapting in society. In severe cases, may breach of workplace adaptation.

Prevention of apraxia

Special preventive measures does not exist.

Nonspecific prevention apraxia boils down to eliminate factors, contributing to the development of diseases, that could cause apraksiju. Recommended abandoning bad habits, athletics, as well as rational and balanced nutrition.

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