Thrush – Aphthous ulcers

Description aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous ulcers, also known as aphthous stomatitis. It is painful, wound healing, that can occur anywhere in the mouth. Ulcers may occur on one or a group. Although the sores are not a serious disease, they can cause considerable inconvenience.

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Causes of canker sores

The causes of canker sores is unknown. There is a common misconception, it is a form of herpes virus.

Unlike the herpes, mouth disease can not be transmitted from one person to another. Researchers believe, it arises as a result of the reaction of the immune system. Usually, stomatitis occur more frequently in women, than men. Thrush, usually, occurs between the ages of 10 to 40 years.

Causes, which may contribute to the development of ulcers in the mouth:

  • Stress or injury in the mouth, eg, Bite your tongue;
  • Certain foods (especially acidic foods, such as tomatoes and pineapples);
  • Family history;
  • Changes in hormone levels.

Risk factors

Factors, which increase the risk of canker sores:

  • Iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or folic acid;
  • Bacterial infections, such as stomach ulcers caused by bacteria H.pylori;
  • Some inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • Infection with the AIDS virus;
  • Behcet's disease.

The symptoms of canker sores

The following symptoms may be caused not only by aphthous stomatitis. Mouth ulcers, Similar to their, They may be caused by other, more serious diseases.

Aphthous ulcers are of different sizes. Usually, they appear on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, language, and the sky. Usually, are open, small grayish and slightly swollen wounds, surrounded by a yellowish-white or red border.

Some people suffer from aphthous stomatitis, two or three times a year. For others, these ulcers occur constantly. Usually the most painful phase is the first 3-4 day, and then begin to heal ulcers.

  • Small ulcers (the most common form):
    • In less than one centimeter in diameter;
    • Usually held over 7-14 days;
    • Heal without scarring;
  • Large ulcers:
    • Better, than one centimeter in diameter;
    • Do not heal for several weeks or even months;
    • After healing the scars remain.

Diagnosis of canker sores

The doctor asks about the symptoms and medical history, performs a physical exam. Inspection sores is the primary way to distinguish from other aphthous ulcers, more serious diseases of the oral cavity. In some cases, your doctor may take a small sample of tissue for microscopic examination (biopsy) or order a growing culture or a blood test.

Diagnosis is especially important for the study of ulcers in the mouth, that do not heal for two weeks or more. They may be an indication of cancer.

Treatment of canker sores

Aphthous ulcers usually disappear on their own within 1 to 2 weeks. Treatment of aphthous stomatitis is not usually required. Nonetheless, treatment options for especially painful or persistent aphthous ulcers may include the following:

Oral analgesics mouthwashes or gels

Rinses (eg, lidokain, amlexanox, diphenhydramine mouthwash, maaloks) can be used every three hours or before meals. It provides short-term relief of pain, caused by aphthous stomatitis. Besides, painkillers gels can be applied directly to the ulcer on the average four times a day, to numb the mouth and relieve pain.

Rinsing the mouth with antibiotics

For multiple ulcers can be used antibiotic tetracycline liquid form. Rinse four times a day for 10 days. The liquid can heal ulcers and prevent the formation of new. Sometimes, as a side effect, This method of treatment can lead to infection, called candidiasis, or thrush, quite easily curable.


When serious outbreaks of small, or the presence of major aphthous ulcers, can be assigned to steroids, usually, zhidkstey as a rinse after meals and at bedtime. Steroids help reduce inflammation of the mouth, caused extensive wounds.

Prevention aphthous stomatitis

The appearance of canker sores is not always possible to prevent. To reduce the probability of occurrence of aphthous ulcers, you must take the following steps:

  • Chew , to avoid biting the tongue or cheeks, which can cause irritation of the mouth and lead to aphthous ulcers;
  • With high sensitivity, should avoid acidic foods, such as tomatoes or pineapples, which may contribute to the emergence of aphthous ulcers;
  • In the absence of sufficient iron, vitamin B12, folic acid in the diet, you need to ask your doctor, how to get enough of these nutrients, to prevent aphthous ulcers (It is necessary to pay attention, that taking extra iron, vitamin B12, Folic acid will not cure canker sores in patients, who suffer shortage of nutrients).

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