Anemia, related to violation of the formation of hemoglobin

A common symptom of anemia, related to violation of the formation of hemoglobin, erythrocytes is hypochromia. Normally, in a healthy person erythrocyte is 1,8 2,2 fmol, or pg 29-35 hemoglobin, which corresponds to the color index 0,87-1,05. Degree hypochromia patient anemia determines the color value or decrease in the average hemoglobin content.

Hemoglobin is a protein portion - globin and non-protein - heme. The structure consists of heme iron and protoporphyrin.

Anemia, related to violation of the formation of hemoglobin, divided into four groups:

  • due to iron deficiency;
  • redistribution of iron;
  • impaired synthesis or utilization of porphyrins;
  • violation of the synthesis of globin.

For the first two groups characterized by reduced levels of iron in the serum, for the third and fourth - increased content and less - a normal level of serum iron.

Gipohromnaya anemia not a form of nosology. Low color index patient or low average content of hemoglobin has not yet serve as a basis for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia and iron supplementation a patient appointment. Although zhelezodefitsitnaya anemia there were significantly more likely, than other forms of hypochromic anemia, it is first necessary to exclude thalassemia, where there is an inherited disorder of globin synthesis, and anemia, related to violation of the synthesis of porphyrin (heredity, and acquired), for example when lead poisoning, pyridoxine deficiency.

The average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte calculated by dividing the amount of hemoglobin (g / l) the number of erythrocytes in 1 l. So, at 8,68 mmol / l (140 g / l) hemoglobin and 4,2 T 1 l mean erythrocyte hemoglobin content equals 1,07 fmol (33,3 py), which corresponds to the color index 1,0. To determine the color indicator should be the average content of hemoglobin (in pg) in one erythrocyte multiplied by 0,033.

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