Anaphylactic shock – what does it mean, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction immediate type, characterized by dramatically increased sensitivity of the organism to the reintroduction of allergen. The term was introduced by physiologist Charles Richet.

Anaphylactic shock is one of the most serious complications of drug allergies, which in 10-20% ending lethal.

The incidence of anaphylactic shock is 5 accidents 100 thousands of people. Speed development anaphylacticski shock can be from a few seconds to a few hours.

Anaphylactic shock: the cause of the

The most frequent cause of anaphylactic shock is an insect bite or introduction of medication (most often it is penicillin, serum, sulfonamides, vaccines and other). In rare cases anaphylactic shock develops in response to food allergens, pollen and dust.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock is distinguished by fast development of pathological manifestations, which often appear after a few seconds after contact with the allergen. This patient is typical of oppressed State of consciousness, plummeting blood pressure, cramps arise, and may experience involuntary urination.

In most cases, anaphylactic shock begins with a sense of heat, expressed hyperemia, fear of death, pain in the sternum and headaches. Blood pressure drops sharply, and the pulse becomes nitevidnym.

In different cases, anaphylactic shock accompanied by lesions of the skin (itch, hyperemia, hives, angioedema), Nervous System (severe headaches, nausea, convulsions), Respiratory (suffocation, swelling of mucous membranes) and hearts.

Anaphylactic shock: diagnostics

Usually, diagnosis in cases of anaphylactic shock does not cause difficulties, especially, When the relationship between the person expressed the body's contact with the allergen. In some cases, anaphylactic shock, you must differentiate from acute heart failure, epilepsy and myocardial infarction.

Anaphylactic shock: types of disease

Distinguish five main variants of anaphylactic shock:

  • Asfiksicheskij. Is characterized by the development of edema of larynx, laringo- and bronchospasm. In asfiksicheskom cases of anaphylactic shock show signs of respiratory failure. In some cases, perhaps the distress syndrome.
  • Hemodynamic. In this case, dominated by hemodynamic violations. For this form is characterized by a dramatic decrease of blood pressure, development of vegetative changes and functional decline in circulating blood.
  • Cerebral. Is characterized by the development of convulsive syndrome, Express psychomotor excitation, disturbances of consciousness. Often cerebral form anaphylactic shock accompanied by respiratory arrhythmia, autonomic disorders, as well as meningeal'nym and mezencefal'nym syndromes.
  • Tromboamboliceski. This form resembles the symptoms of pulmonary artery thromboembolism.
  • Abdominal. Is characterized by the development of symptoms of "false stomach» (irritation of the peritoneum and sharp pain in epigastralna area).

Anaphylactic shock: patient actions

Unfortunately, predict emergence anaphylacticski shock cannot be. It is necessary to avoid contact with allergens. At the slightest suspicion of anaphylactic shock should immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of anaphylactic shock

Treatment of anaphylactic shock is confined to intravenous adrenaline, prednisolone and sodium chloride. If there is swelling of the larynx is marked difficulty in breathing, that requires a tracheotomy. When, when symptoms of anaphylaxis persist, the injection of the above-mentioned drugs repeat. With the introduction of drugs must carefully monitor the patient's heart rhythm and blood pressure level. Then the patient entered glukokortikoida and antihistamines.

Anaphylactic shock: complications

The most dangerous complications of anaphylactic shock are collapse (sharp decline in blood pressure), swelling of the larynx (where difficult breathing), swelling of the trachea and large bronchi, as well as the development of a pronounced cardiac arrhythmia.

Anaphylactic shock: prevention

Patients should avoid contact with allergens. Patients, already moved anaphylactic shock, should always carry a card with information about its allergene.

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