Amenorrhea – Amenorrhea

Description amenorrhea

Amenorrhea – disorder, in which there is a lack of menstrual cycle. Primary amenorrhea occurs, if a young girl aged about 16 years have not started menstruating. Secondary amenorrhea – state, in which a woman, who previously had menstrual misses three or more periods in a row. According to some reports, amenorrhea occurs in 2-5% Women.

Most women menstruation start between the ages of 9 – 18 years, but most often 12 years. Menstruation – is a monthly process, associated with the peculiarities of the female body.

If a woman has to 16 years has not begun menstruation, it must undergo a medical examination, to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, in case of need.

Менструальный цикл

Causes of amenorrhea

Secondary amenorrhea is most commonly caused by pregnancy. In nonpregnant women, amenorrhea may result from a number of factors, including on lifestyle, presence of emotional stress, hormonal disorders, or medical intervention. Specific causes of amenorrhea include:

  • Sudden weight loss, especially diets, eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia, starvation;
  • Rapid weight gain or morbid obesity;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Birth defects, including lack of a uterus, vagina, or other reproductive organs;
  • Medical conditions, including cystic fibrosis, Cushing's disease, polycystic ovaries, or Prader-Willi syndrome;
  • Psychological stress – It can lead to a hormonal imbalance sufficient, to cause amenorrhea;
  • Medication – some antidepressants, means for chemotherapy, corticosteroids, some contraceptives cause amenorrhea;
  • Hromosomnыe anomalies;
  • Hermaphroditism (the presence of male and female sexual characteristics);
  • Pituitary tumor;
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Injury of the uterus.

Risk factors for amenorrhea

Amenorrhea can occur in women, that a diet, does not provide enough calories, the body is subjected to a strong physical stress, or experiencing significant psychological distress.

Women, born with chromosomal or hormonal abnormalities , and those, those suffering from some chronic diseases, also prone to amenorrhea.

The symptoms of amenorrhea

The main symptom of primary amenorrhea – absence of menstruation in girls from 16 and older. The main symptom of secondary amenorrhea – three or more consecutive missed menstrual periods, though, that previously were normal menstruation.

If a woman is sexually active, We need to do a pregnancy test. If the test is not confirmed, you need to see a doctor, to clarify the diagnosis.


For the diagnosis of amenorrhea is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • Pregnancy test;
  • Do blood tests to determine hormone levels;
  • Take the test for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • Make urinalysis;
  • Perform a CT scan of the head;
  • MRI test (Magnetic resonance imaging) brain, to make pictures of brain tissue;
  • US to inspect and study the abdominal organs;
  • Laparoscopy – for a visual inspection of organs in the abdominal cavity.

This list is usually enough to pass two – three tests for diagnosis.

Treatment of amenorrhea

Treatment for amenorrhea depends on the reasons which have caused her:

  • Congenital can be corrected with surgery;
  • Pituitary tumor – treatment usually requires surgery, radiation therapy, or taking drugs;
  • Gormonalynaya therapy – taking hormones, including oral contraceptives, to induce menstruation;
  • Proper nutrition and moderate exercise reduced hormone levels.

Prevention of amenorrhea

Amenorrhea are unavoidable in the case of pregnancy, in disorders, associated to the diet, and when taking certain medications.

You must use effective methods of contraception during sexual activity, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Seeking psychological help during times of stress may also help prevent an attack amenorrhea.

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