Agranulocytosis – treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of the diseases agranulocytosis

Agranulocytosis is heavy blood pathology, which is characterized by a critical decline in concentrations of granulocytes.

Agranulocytosis causes

Reasons of development depends on the type of agranulocytosis. Understanding of the causes of development of various kinds of agranulocytosis helps to predict the outcome of disease, tactics of treatment and to prevent the development of complications, and, Subsequently, avoid relapse. Depending on the causes and mechanism of development pathology, There are following kinds of agranulocytosis: mielotoksicheskij, immune (Autoimmune and gaptenovyj), genuinnyj.

Mielotoksicheskij agranulocytosis occurs as a result of the overwhelming influence of adverse factors in the red bone marrow, and is a deep depression krovetvornogo germ, responsible for the production of granulocytes.

When immune destruction occurs agranulocitozah granulozitov in the blood as a consequence of the current occurrence of pathological immune responses.

About genuinnom agranulocitoze say in cases, When the reason for the sharp decline in the number of granulozitov in the blood remains unknown.

Simptomы agranulocytosis

Agranulocytosis is infectious processes, usually caused by bacteria or fungi:

common symptoms (fever, weakness, Sweating, breathlessness, cardiopalmus)
specific manifestations depending on the location of the inflammation and the pathogen infection (necrotic angina, pneumonia, skin lesions, etc.).

In related thrombocytopenia may develop bleeding.

Diagnosis agranulocytosis

Diagnosis of immune agranulocytosis is based on specific changes in peripheral blood.

Differential diagnosis between immune agranoulozitozom and lejkopenicheskimi and alejkemicheskimi forms of acute leukemia, This is especially needed in the case of subacute or chronic currents immune agranulocytosis.

Differential diagnosis is based on the morphological study of bone marrow in agranulocitoze.

Types of diseases agranulocytosis

Depending on the causes and mechanism of development pathology, There are following kinds of agranulocytosis:

  • mielotoksicheskij
  • immune: autoimmune; gaptenovyj
  • genuinnyj

Treatments agranulocytosis

Treatment of agranulocytosis depends largely on the specific reasons for its occurrence. It is essential to maintain and raise immunity and prevent the patient from possible infections. Mild treatment of agranulocytosis can be made at home, However, it is better to its conduct in the hospital.

In medication included antibiotics, glukokortikoida, etc. In severe cases, the patient should be placed in a sterile, isolated room with air irradiation with ultraviolet light. Also shows the vitamin therapy. Sores on the mucous membrane vypolaskivajutsja hydrogen peroxide or saline solution.

If treatment is not available, perhaps, the emergence of risk of death, but with modern therapies, this risk is mitigated.

Complications of agranulocytosis

The most frequent-sepsis (often stafilokokkovi), intestinal perforation (more commonly the ileum, because it is more sensitive to the effects of citostaticheskomu), mediastinit, pneumonia, Noma; less-severe swelling of the lining of the bowel with the formation of obstruction, peritonitis. A major complication is acute epithelial hepatitis, that often develops after the Elimination of agranulocytosis. Lack of granulocyte gives originality adrift of infectious complications is the absence of ulcers, the predominance of necroses. Pneumonia occur against the background of scarce physical data: blunting of barely noticeable, Rale, Express bronchus breathing may not be, only heard over a crackling sound when hitting. Radiological changes very scarce.

Prevention agranulocytosis

Therapeutic tactics in both forms of agranulocytosis include, primarily, control of infectious complications. When gaptenovom agranulocitoze to exclude the use of the drug, who hapten can be. Now this form of agranulocytosis are not assigned to glucocorticoid hormones, as their application leads to further decrease decreasing immunity.

When autoimmune agranulocitoze glucocorticoid hormones, undoubtedly, appointed.

Prevention is as follows:

  • Sick, who drug agranulocytosis, should not use drugs, containing the hapten;
  • When prescribing drugs, that may cause agranulocytosis, There is a need to monitor blood counts at least, than once in the 10 days.

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