Adonis vernalis, the Adonis spring – Adonis Vernalus

Семейство buttercup - Лютиковые

Spring adonis - description of the plant

Perennial, herbaceous plant with powerful horizontally located Rhizome and erect, simple or branched pedicels. The leaves are dissected into 2-4 lobes with linear widths up to 1 mm in parts. flowers solitary, in diameter 4-5 (8) cm. Sepals are ovoid, 5-8 per flower. Petals 10—24, oblong to elliptical shape, naked, bright yellow, forming the rim. Fruit assembly, individual fruits drooping, with a hooked beak. Blooms in February - April (June).

Spread. Found on dry rocky (predominantly calcareous) places, in pastures and bushes.

Raw materials. Blooming aerial part. It is best to dry raw materials in dryers at a temperature of 30-40°C and store them in a dry, ventilated area.. Dried raw materials should not contain more than 13% humidity, since at higher humidity hydrolysis of cardenolides occurs over time.

The biological activity of raw materials should not be lower 50 and higher 66 ICE and acc.. between 6,3 and 8 KED.

Адонис весенний, горицвет весенний – Adonis Vernalis

Content of active substances in adonis

Biologically active substances, contained in adonis belong to different chemical groups. The most significant is the presence of cardenolide heterosides with a similar, but with much weaker activity, than strophanthin: Cimarin, adenosine, adonivernoside; strophanthin K-β; adonitoxin (FROM29N42ABOUT10), which upon hydrolysis produces adonitoxigenin and rhamnose; strophadogenin.

Besides, the presence of flavonoids has been established (vitexin and luteolin), as well as dimethoxyquinone, saponin, phytosterol, aliphatic alcohol adonite (about 4%) and etc.

The main medicinal effect of adonis

Carditonic, diuretic and moderate sedative.

Experimental and clinical data on the therapeutic effect of adonis

Wide application of adonis and various, drugs derived from it, due primarily to the content of cardio-active glycosides - cymarin, adonitoxin, strophanthin K-β and some others, their less studied representatives.

Glycosides on the heart, contained in adonis preparations, take action, which make them close to digitalis and strophanthin drugs. As shown by the results of experimental studies by a number of authors, glikozidy, contained in adonis, increase heart contractions, slow heart rate, lengthen diastole. As a result, they increase stroke volume. These effects of adonis are weaker than those of digitalis glycosides.. But, since, that adonis glycosides have a weaker effect on the conductive function of the Hiss bundle branches, than digitalis glycosides, they are preferred for heart failure, accompanied by disturbances in the conductive function of the Hiss bundle branches.

Adonis glycosides do not last long in the body. This is their ability to accumulate, although not to that extent, as digitalis glycosides, is important for their practical use in the treatment.

The second distinctive feature in the pharmacological characteristics of adonis and its preparations is their diuretic effect.. Two points are of primary importance for obtaining this effect: improving blood circulation, leading, accordingly, to improved blood irrigation of various organs, including the kidneys, as a result of a positive effect on heart function, and, во-вторых — непосредственное благотворное воздействие активных начал горицвета на мочеобразующую функцию почек.

The sedative effects of adonis are the third practically used aspect of the pharmacological characteristics of this plant.. It has been proven by experiments, that even herbal preparations of this raw material successfully stop seizures, caused by various convulsive agents - cocaine, camphor, picrotoxin, etc..

Интерес вызывает установленный в последнее время факт, that aqueous extracts from the aerial part of adonis have a pronounced cytotoxic and strongly antiviral effect - against herpes viruses, influenza, vaccine virus and polioviruses.

Raw materials and preparations, obtained from it, used for chronic cardiac weakness and, especially, in case of weakness, accompanied by conduction function disorders, при сердечных неврозах; при нарушениях сердечной деятельности при базедовой болезни; ослабленной сердечной деятельности и в ходе различных инфекционных заболеваний; при болезнях почек с проявлениями недостаточности сердечнососудистой системы, swelling; некоторых нерво-психических болезнях (в сочетании с бромом и кодеином), таких как алкогольные психозы, epilepsy, etc..

Methods of using adonis in medicine

Hot infusions from raw materials are often used either independently or as a base for potions. (Bekhterev's mixture).

Adonis vernalis is almost always prescribed in combination with valerian, tincture of lavender, mint, as well as with sedatives, as: bromide, khloralgidrat, phenobarbital sodium, in appropriate mixtures.

Combination products: Adonis-brom (tablets) containing one tablet: 0,25 dry extract of adonis and 0,25 potassium bromide. Cordiazide - a mixture of equal parts of adonizide and cordiamine - is characterized by a tonic effect on the cardiovascular system in case of heart weakness, infectious diseases, etc.. Dose - 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

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