Adenosine Phosphate

When ATH:


Metabolic means. The white crystalline powder;. It is soluble in water (easily soluble in boiling water), insoluble in 1% solution of sodium bicarbonate. Molecular weight 347,22.

Pharmacological action.
Regulatory redox processes, metabolic, vasodilator, antiagregatine.


Acute "intermittent" porphyria, saturnism (polinevritichesky syndrome), acute thrombosis of the superficial and deep veins of the extremities, Acute occlusion of the arteries (in step conservative treatment and postoperatively), occlusive disease, venectomy (before- and postoperative period), chronic venous insufficiency, tromboflebit, secondary vascular syndromes, caused by lesions of the spine. Post-burn complications: nonhealing ulcers, trophic ulcers, post-burn. Gepatotserebralynaya dystrophy (Wilson's disease Konovalova-Westphalia) and other inherited diseases of the CNS, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, duodenal ulcer, multiple sclerosis, CHD, congestive heart failure, asthenia, psoriasis, диабетическая ретинопатия — в составе комбинированной терапии; to speed up the recovery of sportsmen.


Hypersensitivity, myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic stroke.

Side effects.

Dizziness, noise in my head, flushing, tachycardia, low blood pressure, dyspnoea, nausea, allergic reactions (These phenomena are at lower doses or after discontinuation of the drug), anaphylactoid reactions after injection.


Dipyridamole enhances the effect of, theophylline, кофеин и другие ксантины — ослабляют.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, / m. In acute "intermittent" porphyria and vascular diseases of extremities: в/м — по 0,04–0,06 г 2–5 раз в сутки, в дальнейшем курс инъекций сокращают и переходят на прием внутрь — по 0,05 g 2-3 times per day. При других заболеваниях — внутрь, по 0,025–0,05 г (to 0,15 g) 2 once a day.


Do not use in children, tk. efficacy and safety have not been established. If patients after injection was noted dyspnea or heat in the breast, The following injection should not be pursued.

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