
When ATH: A13A

Pharmacological action

Adamantilʙromfenilamin (also bromantan) — N-(2-adamantïl)-N-(2-n-бромфенил)amine, medicine, psychostimulant, anxiolytic, immunotropic preparation.

Antiradical action. Bromantane reduces the activity of an excessively elevated lipid peroxidation, It helps to preserve the integrity and barrier function of the cellular and mitochondrial membranes.

Increased synthesis and Ca2 dependent processes dopamine release. The ability to enhance the synthesis of dopamine bromantane de novo distinguishes the typical stimulant drug. Due to the increased synthesis of dopamine, during therapy bromantane we not develop neuronal depletion of reserves of catecholamines.


Recovery stress impaired GABA reception and a decrease of gene expression, encoding the protein synthesis of GABA transporter GAT-3. GAT3 is a transfer protein isoforms GABA, carrying out the reuptake of GABA from the synaptic cleft. By reducing gene expression, encoding the synthesis of this protein, increases the content of GABA in the synaptic cleft, providing increased GABA transmission, and is a factor in increasing the binding of ligands GABA-benzodiazepine-hlorionofornym complex.


Asthenic conditions of different genesis, incl. in somatic diseases and after infectious diseases.


Dosage regimen

Bromantane taken orally, regardless of the meal.

The average single dose – 50-100 mg; daily dose is 100-200 mg 2 admission.

The drug should not be used after 16 no. The duration of a course of the drug is 2-4 of the week.

Side effect

CNS: may experience symptoms of excessive activation and disorders of sleep.

Other: allergic reactions (at elevated individual sensitivity to the drug).




Children up to age 18 years.

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

Do not use this bromantane during pregnancy and lactation (breast-feeding).


If you experience side effects from the CNS drug should not be stopped, it is advisable to reduce the dose.


If a large overdose may develop sedation.

Treatment: nespetsificheskaya dezintoksikatsionnaya therapy.

Drug Interactions

Bromantane while the application reduces the hypnotic effect of thiopental sodium.

While the use of benzodiazepines bromantane not diminish their anxiolytic effect.

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