
When ATH:


Oligosaxarid, obtained by fermentation of the microorganism Actinoplanes utahensis. It is a white or almost white powder. Soluble in water. Molecular weight 645,6.

Pharmacological action



Diabetes mellitus type 2 the poor diet (the rate of which shall be at least 6 Months) or lack of effectiveness of sulfonylureas on the background of a low calorie diet; diabetes mellitus type 1 (in a combination therapy).


Hypersensitivity, diabetic ketoacidosis, cirrhosis of the liver; acute and chronic inflammatory bowel disease, complicated disorders of digestion and absorption (incl. malabsorption, maldigestion syndrome), Remhelda syndrome; pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with flatulence, yazvennыy colitis, ileus, incl. partial or predisposition to it, stricture and ulcers of the intestine, large hernias, chronic renal failure (creatinine above 2 mg / dL), pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply

When fever, infections, injuries, surgery (upcoming surgery and in the postoperative period) application is possible, only if the effect outweighs the potential risk. Age to 18 years (Safety and efficacy have not been determined).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Safety of use in pregnancy has not been established.

Category actions result in FDA - B. (The study of reproduction in animals revealed no risk of adverse effects on the fetus, and adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not done.)

At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects

Co part of the intestine: abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea; rarely - an increase in the level of transaminases (ALT IS), ileus, jaundice, hepatitis (in rare cases, fatal fulminant).

Allergic reactions: skin rash, hyperemia, rash, hives.

Other: rarely - edema.


The effect of reducing the activated carbon and other adsorbents intestinal, digestive enzyme preparations, containing pancreatin or amylase. Thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids, fenotiazinы, thyroid hormones, Estrogens, incl. consisting of oral contraceptives, phenytoin, a nicotinic acid, sympathomimetic, calcium antagonists, isoniazid and other means, causing hyperglycemia, significantly weaken the specific activity (possible decompensation diabetes), sulfonylureas, insulin, metformin - enhances the hypoglycemic effect.


Symptoms: increased discomfort in the abdominal region, diarrhea, flatulence.

Treatment: 4-6 hours to eliminate from the diet foods and beverages, containing carbohydrates.

Dosing and Administration

Inside, at the beginning of a meal; initial dose is on 50 mg 3 once a day. Increasing the dose to 100-200 mg 3 once a day is carried out at 4-8 week intervals, taking into account two criteria - the level of glucose in the blood through 1 h after meals and individual tolerance. The usual dose for adults weighing 60 kg and less - 50 mg, weighing more than 60 kg - 100 mg 3 once a day. The maximum dose - 600 mg / day.


Strict dieting. It will be appreciated, that food and beverages, containing large amounts of carbohydrates, cane sugar can lead to intestinal disorders. Treatment should be carried out under the control of glucose in blood and / or urine, glycosylated hemoglobin and transaminases in the first year of treatment - 1 once every 3 month and further - periodically. Increasing the dose to more 300 mg / day is followed by further, but bland reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia with simultaneous increase in the risk hyperenzymemia (increasing the concentration of AST and ALT in blood). In an application with a sulfonylurea or insulin may develop hypoglycemia, which is adjusted by the addition of sugar (Glucose, but not sucrose) food, or on / in a glucose, or the use of glucagon (in severe cases). In the event of severe hypoglycemia should be borne in mind, that sugar food during treatment slowly cleaved into glucose and fructose and is not suitable for the rapid elimination of hypoglycaemia; in these cases it is advisable to use high doses of glucose.

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