7 promising cancer therapies – What are the modern methods of treating cancer

On the occasion of the international day to combat cancer offer recall 7 advanced methods, that use in the treatment of cancer 2017 year. Some medicines and technologies are already available for patients, other clinical trials in research laboratories, but every new discovery brings hope, that one day humankind will overcome the disease, unosjashhuju tens of millions of lives each year.

Personal Genomics predicts cancer risk

In every cell of our body lies an invaluable biological information is a set of hereditary material, that specifies the construction and functioning of the body. Personal Genomics sekveniruet and analyzes gene, to determine the likelihood of developing diseases and develop individual treatment scheme. In simple terms, Oncologists are treating not just cancer, (a) a particular person, considering all the features of his organism.

— The same approach in the treatment of all cases of breast cancer or lung cancer is inherently, Since tumors have significant genetic differences, says Michael Roizen, leading therapist at the Institute of valeology at Cleveland Clinic. — This means, that some of the treatments will be more or less effective. Analysis of the genome will help patients avoid unnecessary assignments of highly toxic drugs.

Cancer immunotherapy is gaining momentum

On the surface of tumor cells placed specific antigens is alien to body substances, for various reasons, do not cause an immune response. Oncologists are trained in immune cells identify these antigens, Turning immunity effective weapon against many types of cancer.

-Examining the genetic profile of tumors, We can understand, as they bypass our immune system, explains Dr. Roizen. But a breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy has already occurred. IN 2011 ipilimumab, was developed — checkpoint immune response inhibitor. This medicine is used to treat malignant melanoma, and it significantly increases the life expectancy of patients.

IN 2015 year, ex-President of the United States Jimmy Carter got rid of inoperable melanoma using similar medication-pembrolizumaba. The politician said, that all signs of cancer he had disappeared.

A breakthrough in the treatment of cancer 2016 year was the establishment of effective vaccine the antigenic, that relieved lab mice from colon cancer and a malignant melanoma 88% and 90% of cases, respectively. Before the vaccine test on humans, they will have to test on other, larger animals.

By the way, in November 2016 a year in China for the first time for CRISPR editing genetic tested on humans. Scientists have edited the immune cells of a patient with metastatic lung cancer, Turning off the gene in them, which inhibits the immune response.

A cure for hepatitis C will stop liver cancer

Hepatitis c is a disease of the liver, that can turn into cancer. IN 2013 year drug sofosbuvir («Sovaldi» from Gilead) passes Control to monitor the United States food and drug administration and has been approved for the treatment of hepatitis c. Medication very quickly became popular among patients and physicians, but in Ukraine, access is still limited.

Sofosbuvir for Ukraine to buy international organizations, and patients get to hospitals for free. Unfortunately, due to the high price completely cover the need for patients in the original drug from Gilead impossible. The American company set a condition: reduce the price of the sofosbuvir with 486 to 250 dollars per pack only, If Ukraine cancels registration of cheaper Egyptian vir, sold in pharmacies.

Representatives of patient organisations call it manipulation and blackmail: means, allocated from the State budget 2016, enough to buy drugs for 3-5 thousands of people, While the world with Gilead will deprive the remaining patients access to the drug-analog is already in 2017 year. Today the discussion around this issue remains open.

Intraoperative radiotherapy against breast cancer

The major problem of radiation therapy is to sum up the possible high radiation dose to cancer so, to avoid radiation damage to normal tissues. Intraoperative radiation therapy is surgical excision of infected tumor tissues and a single remote ortovol'tovymi radiation beams or electronic rays.

Studies have shown, that method of intraoperative radiation therapy, that can be used during the operation on mammary glands, is equally effective in the treatment of breast cancer, as a full course of radiation therapy.

Standard course of radiation therapy is considered more toxic cancer treatments view. According to Rojzena, "people feel unwell and physically, and psychologically ", and with intraoperative radiation therapy side effects are observed much less frequently.

Computed tomography for the early diagnosis of lung cancer

People, who have recently quit smoking, often interested in, how they have chances to encounter with lung cancer in the future. The fact, that x-rays do not always see the small nodules, that can turn into cancer. Get the 3D images of the lungs and make a qualitative diagnostic prediction today by using computed tomography (CT) light.

CT allows to timely recognize pathological changes and assign the most effective therapy. As practice shows, early detection of tumors improves the chances for a cure at the 80%.
6. Address delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs

Most medications, who today use for chemotherapy, are low-molecular organic compounds. They often do not overcome the biological barriers to tumors and are distributed throughout the body. But studies show, that address "delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs is more effective and less toxic to the body.

To solve this problem, the scientists adapted the nanoparticles (polymer particles, lipids, molecules of metals, Silicon) which carry drugs directly inside cancer. By the way, with the help of scientists at the University of Michigan nanoparticles could deliver antitumor vaccines and achieve cure mice, We are told in the second paragraph.

Manageable cancerous cells

Each of us in the body enough of oncogenes, but only some of them lead to the development of cancer cells and tumors. While the main efforts of scientists focused on the destruction of these cells, but some researchers focused their reprogramming.

IN 2015 year program for disabling cancer presented the staff of the Mayo Clinic. Researchers have attempted to restore the cancerous cells healthy levels of microRNA, that regulate the expression of oncogenes. Theoretically,, This can stop the carcinogenesis and restore the normal functioning of cells. An interesting strategy, but talk about its implementation so far.

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