
When ATH:


The white crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water, ether and benzene; slightly soluble in ethanol and acetone.

Pharmacological action.
Anticonvulsant, snotvornoe.


Epilepsy different genesis, large seizures. Focal, myoclonic, akinetic seizures (less effective).


Hypersensitivity (incl. barbiturates), renal failure, anemia, leukopenia, pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply.

Children and old age (some children and elderly patients respond to primidone paradoxical excitement and restlessness).

Side effects.

Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, apathy, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, anemia, leukopenia, Lymphocytosis, allergic reactions. Редко — нистагм, ataxia, "Lupus" syndrome, artralgii, psychotic reactions; крайне редко — мегалобластная анемия. При длительном применении — лекарственная зависимость.


Strengthens (mutually) the effect of carbamazepine, difenina and other anticonvulsants.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, after meal. Treatment is initiated with a dose of 125 mg dose, then every 3 дня суточную дозу увеличивают на 250 мг — для взрослых и на 125 мг — для детей (to 9 years) to achieve the desired effect. The maximum daily dose for adults - 1,5 g, for children - 1 g (in 2 admission).


It can be used in complex anticonvulsant therapy. Repealed and replaced by a gradually. Reduces reaction while driving, handling mechanisms. In the case of megaloblastic anemia should stop taking and start treatment with folic acid and / or vitamin B12.

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