The main factor in the development of dementia – an abrupt change in pressure

Doctors from the Netherlands and the United States called the long-term negative impact of regular human possession of ortostaticski collapse — a sharp drop in blood pressure due to sudden changes in body position. Study published in the journal PLOS Medicine, briefly about it reported EurekAlert!

In humans, regularly experiencing ortostaticeski collapse, on 15% compared to increases the likelihood of dementias, in particular, Alzheimer.

Scientists came to such conclusions, having a meta-analysis of studies over the past 24 year and include data on 6000 the inhabitants of the Netherlands. The reason for developing dementia scientists call a violation of blood flow to the brain.

Previously, American doctors have found a link between high blood pressure in middle age and the development of dementia in old age. The reason that doctors also called cutting off circulation to the brain.

In the world today, there are about 40 millions of people with different types of dementias (acquired by anility), of which 80% diagnosed cerebrovascular diseases or Alzheimer's. K 2050 year, Scientists estimate that, because of the General ageing of the population, the growth in life expectancy and lack of treatment, their numbers could triple.

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