Мята перечная - Mentha piperita L.

Herbaceous perennial plant height of 80-100 cm family Labiatae (Lips). Peppermint in the wild does not grow. For medical purposes harvested leaves of peppermint, of which produce number of medicinal herbal remedies.

Мята перечная – Mentha piperita L.

The chemical composition of peppermint

The leaves of mint contains at least 2 % essential oil, consisting of menthol and its esters, esters mainly acetic acid and isovaleric. Based on essential oils of peppermint make menthol, apinen, limonene, Cineol, dipentene, pulegone, β-phellandrene both terpenoids. Besides, The leaves contain organic acids, tannins, flavonoidы, carotene, ʙetain, hesperidin, minerals (copper, manganese, strontium and the like.) and other chemical compounds.

The pharmacological properties of peppermint

Native plant due to the presence therein the biologically active compound has a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. Galenic herbal extracts of peppermint has a soothing, antispasmodic, choleretic, antiseptic and analgesic properties, and also have a reflex action koronarorasshiryayuschee. Due to the irritant effect and stimulating effect on peripheral neuroceptors skin and mucous membranes enhance microcirculation and intestinal peristalsis.

Galenic formulations of peppermint leaves enhance the secretion of digestive glands, improve appetite. increases bile, have antispasmodic action, lowering the tone of smooth muscles of the intestine, bile- and urinary tract infections.

Mint leaves due to the presence of menthol in them have antiseptic properties. Antimicrobial properties of the plant subject to all kinds of pathogenic bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract. More recently, it has been found weak hypotensive effect of the plant, but it has no practical significance.

In experiments on various types of laboratory animals, that all of the pharmacological properties of peppermint due to the main active substances of plants:- Menthol.

The use of peppermint in medicine

Preparations of peppermint used for spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, meteorism, nausea and vomiting. As a cholagogue recommended for cholecystitis, kholangitye, cholelithiasis, and hepatitis.

In inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laringit, tracheitis, runny nose, and others.) used menthol and peppermint different drugs for lubricating mucous membranes, inhalations, as well as in the form of nasal drops. Rubbing menthol pencil skin in the temples and nose bridge, and massaging 2 % alcohol solution or 10 % menthol oil mist in the skin produce positive results in migraine, neuralgia and other neurological diseases,.

Menthol ingestion is widely used as a light vasodilating agent for angina pectoris and diseases, associated with cerebral vasospasm. Besides, menthol and remedies, obtained from mint, used as a sedative during hyperexcitability, insomnia and different neurotic states.

Peppermint and menthol medical industry produces a large number of herbal remedies and complex medical means. However, to apply menthol and mint products should only be under medical supervision because of the risk of overdose with the development of a number of negative side effects of the local nature and obscherezorbtivnogo.

Young children lubrication menthol mucous membranes of the nose and throat contraindicated, because of possible reflexive oppression and stop breathing.

Some lnts, especially in children, marked allergic reactions to components of the essential oil as the ingestion, and, in contact with skin.

Formulations, Dosing and Administration peppermint

Infusion of peppermint leaves: 5g (1/2 tablespoon) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (water bath) with frequent stirring 15 m, cooled at room temperature for 45 m, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 d.

Take in the form of heat for 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before a meal as a sedative, antispasmodic and cholagogue. Peppermint leaf produced in packs. The sheet stored in dry, cool place.

Peppermint oil prepared from the aerial part of peppermint and other mint. It contains about 50 % Menthol, 4-9 % menthol ester with acetic and valeric acids and other substances. Beginning as a refreshing and antiseptic in the rinse, dentifrices. Applied also to correct the taste of medicines. It is part of the preparation "Corvalol".

Tablets mint contain peppermint oil 0,0025 g, sugar 0,5 g. Applied as a sedative and antispasmodic nausea, rvote, smooth muscle spasms. Assign 1-2 tablets under the tongue at the reception.

Tincture of peppermint, mint drops It consists of alcohol (1:20 on 90 % alcohol) infusion of peppermint leaves with the addition of an equal amount of peppermint oil. Administered orally 10-15 drops to receive as a remedy for nausea and vomiting, as a painkiller for neuralgic pain. It is also used to improve the taste of medicines.

Water Peppermint, myatnaya water It is used in medicines for improving the taste, and mouthwashes.

Menthol. External used as a sedative and analgesic (distracting) means. When used in the form of migraine pencil menthol, contains 1 g Menthol, 3,5 g paraffin 0,5 Mr. ceserines; pencil rub the skin of the temples.

In inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract menthol used for lubricating, inhalation and in the form of nasal drops.

Inside menthol prescribed as a sedative, often combined with valerian tincture, belladonna, etc.. Apply with angina, because it can cause reflex expansion of coronary vessels. Assign 2-3 drops 5 % alcoholic (70 % alcohol) solution on a piece of sugar or bread, It is recommended to detain under the tongue for a faster and more complete effect of the drug. Menthol is an integral part of the "Capel Zelenin".

Boromentol - Ointment, It contains 0,5 parts menthol, 5 parts of boric acid, 94,5 parts Vaseline. Apply antiseptic and analgesic for the lubrication of the skin itch, neuralgia and for the lubrication of the nasal mucosa in rhinitis.

Pills "Pektusin" contains menthol (0,004 g), Eucalyptus oil (0,0005 g), sugar and other fillers (to 0,8 g). Applied with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Keep the mouth to complete resorption.

Menovazin - Clear liquid. Structure: Menthol 2,5 g, novocaine 1 g, anestezin 1 g, ethyl alcohol 70 % to 100 ml. Applied externally as a local anesthetic neuralgia, mialgiyakh, arthralgia and how antipruritic agent for itching dermatoses. Painful skin rubbing medication 2-3 times a day. Prolonged use may dizziness, generalized weakness, decrease in blood pressure.

Aerosol "Kamfomen" It contains menthol (0,06 g), eucalyptus oil, camphor oil and castor oil for 0,61 g, furatsilina alcohol solution 0,1 % 2 ml, olive oil to 10 g. Applied for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mainly acute rhinitis and pharyngitis. Inhalation is performed 3-4 times per day after meals. Do not appoint a drug to children and the sick, operating under significant dustiness.

Ingakamf - A pocket inhaler, comprising a piece of fabric, soaked in a mixture of the following composition: camphor 0,3 g, Menthol 0,17 g, methyl salicylate 0,08 g, Eucalyptus oil 0,1 g. Apply for inhalation in acute rhinitis.

Ointment "Efkamon" It contains: camphor 10 g, clove oil, broadcasting and mustard on 3 g, Eucalyptus 7 g, Menthol 14 g, of methyl 8 g, tincture of cayenne pepper 4 g, thymol and chloral hydrate for 3 g, cinnamic alcohol 1 g, spermaceti and Vaseline to 100 g. Applied with arthritis, miozitax, neuralgia, etc.. P. Rubbed into the skin for 2-3 g 2-3 times a day and cover with warm dressing. When too much skin irritation stop rubbing. Ointment should not be applied to broken skin.

Validol -25-30 % solution of menthol to methyl ester of isovaleric acid. Assign 4-5 drops of angina, nervousness, Hysteria, is used as a counter- emetic in the sea and air sickness. Bears on a piece of sugar and keep the mouth to complete resorption. Also available in the form of tablets, validol containing and sugar. Locally applied 5-10 % alcohol solution validol to calm pruritus.

Olimetin . Amount per capsule: peppermint oil 0,0085 g, turpentine refined 0,01705 g, Oil Ahearn 0,0125 g, olive oil 0,46025 g, Sulphur cleared 0,0017 g. Apply with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Green rims. Structure: tincture of lily of the valley 10 ml, valerian tincture 10 ml, tincture of belladonna 5 ml, Menthol 0,2 g. Apply with neuroses of the heart, accompanied by bradycardia.

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