Thrush in men: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Thrush in men is a general term for the name of the lesions of the mucous membranes of microscopic fungi Candida, having similar etiology. In medicine, use another name for thrush – candidiasis.

The most recognizable symptoms of a yeast infection include white stvorožennyj plaque with the smell of sour milk, covering the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (thrush), the external genitalia or internal organs.

Whether it is thrush in men?

Candidiasis in men – not so frequent, both women, because of the anatomical characteristics of their genitals – moving the foreskin and the absence of deep folds. If you have natural immunity and observance of rules of personal hygiene, chances of appearing saprophytic candid on the mucous membranes of the genital organs male negligible. But there are exceptions, When men thrush (candidiasis) strikes the foreskin and Glans of the penis at the same time, as well as the urethra, and sometimes the prostate gland.

The defeat of urinogenital bodies of men, with the participation of fungal infection are as follows::

  • Kandidozny posts-inflammation of the membrane lining of the foreskin
  • Kandidozny balanit mucosa-inflammation of the Glans penis
  • Esophageal mucosal inflammation-swelling balanopostit foreskin and Glans of the penis at the same time
  • Kandidozny urethritis-inflammation of the urethra due to various pathogenic factors in participation and fungal infection.

The first symptoms of thrush in men

Before resorting to doctor man might notice at the following signs of fungal infection:

  • White bloom on the head of the penis
  • burning and pain during urination
  • periodic or continuous itching of mucous external genital organs

Often at this stage of the disease the man himself puts himself and appoints treatment, that may not be successful, because male thrush does not apply to severe illness. However, doing this should not be, because similar symptoms have and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, only a doctor can determine which.

For Example, candidiasis in males often occurs in the form of balanopostita. Diagnosis of balanopostita with symptoms of yeast infection can put only on the basis of anamnesis, laboratory and clinical research.

In history, usually, present: obesity, violations of hormonal status, recent antibiotic therapy, suspicious or unprotected sexual acts. Often the patient complains of pain when urinating, sour smell in the perineum, filamentary discharge from the urethra.

During clinical studies identified: swelling of male authority and head of prepuce, the nude front observed white bloom. In some cases, the doctor diagnoses the primary or secondary phimosis (the narrowing prepuce). And in more severe versions of the pathological process is fixed on the head of the penis and prepucii.

Based on the results of, received during the clinical study, kandidozny balanopostit divides into pericardial (simple) and Erosive (complicated), have different symptoms:

  • Pericardial kandidozny balanopostit – plaque on the head and foreskin, Sometimes there are inflammatory manifestations of catarrhal, serous, fibrinoznogo or purulent nature.
  • Erosive kandidozny balanopostit – inflammation of the vulva with izgyazwleniami bright red, forming pockets of maceration; emerging and ongoing pain, who become permanent in the future.

Symptoms of acute and chronic oral balanopostita

Acute form – accompanied by impaired, redness, pain, swelling, temperature increase. Often acute disease is a consequence of injury. In the acute period, an increase of the inguinal lymph nodes, that easily palpated.

Chronic form – symptoms are similar to symptoms of dysbacteriosis, immunodeficiency syndrome, Diabetes, fimoza. Sometimes for chronic forms of yeast infection are observed urethral lesions (urethra), Bladder and kidney. When more severe course of the disease can affect other internal organs.

Laboratory diagnosis of kandidozov

When the laboratory study manages to visually detect the presence of fungi-candid and determine their belonging to this or that kind.

It uses:

  • microscopy is not painted smear prepucial′nogo content (diagnostic accuracy reaches 75%)
  • Microscopy smear coloured prepucial′nogo content. (accuracy reaches 92%)
  • seeding on Wednesday Saburo and other such Wednesday to differentiate colonies of fungi.

Detection of fungi in laboratory study material is insufficient for making a definitive diagnosis, that requires analysis of all research methods used in conjunction with the results of history, as well as leading and supporting clinical symptoms.

Happens, that even with bright clinical picture observed difficulties with diagnosis. This is because, that thrush in men very often is a secondary disease, and the basic pathology, which cause candidiasis, may remain unknown..

Causes male yeast infection

Fungi genus Candi are permanent inhabitants of organism each healthy person, that usually does not show any negative influence most people. But, under the influence of some pathogenic factors, Thrush can occur clinically. This can happen due to physiological changes, developments in the genital mucosa or in the body.

Causes, associated with changes in genital mucosa

  • Changing the pH of mucous membranes in the acidic side (up to pH values 5,8 – 6,5) creates favourable conditions for enhancing the activity of pathological fungi;
  • High humidity and acidic mucous Wednesday, due to effusion of fluid or transsudata provokes growth of Candide;
  • The presence of glikozurii ( glucose in urine) – one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the fungal flora;
  • availability of mucous, the skin and its derivatives: contractions, pockets, zatokov, Decubitus ulcers, scarring, excluding the mechanical effect on fungal colonies, also the reason moločnic.

Causes, associated with changes in the body

  • Dysbacteriosis. This is one of the main causes of the clinical symptoms of candidiasis. After all, useful flora can easily cope with the rapid reproduction and growth of fungi. But irrational or illiterate use of antibiotics(without a doctor's supervision), without subsequent correction of the effects of such antimicrobial therapy, causes clinical symptoms and exacerbations of thrush.
  • Changing hormonal status. Hormonal disruptions of endogenous or exogenous nature can provoke manifestations of candidiasis. For Example, such an endogenous disturbance, as diabetes mellitus, the use of hormones is an important part of treatment of yeast infection. And when èkzogennom impact (effect of high-dose oral contraceptives or glûkokortikosteroidov), the risk of developing thrush can dramatically increase. Besides, provoke thrush can balance the hormonal system in aging, during pregnancy or in adolescence.
  • Change of immune status organism. Immunity performs regulatory and protective functions in the body. Negative effect on the immune system have biological agents (bacteria, viruses, helminths, fungi), Pharmaceuticals, ionizing radiation, transferred infectious diseases, allergies and allergic predisposition to metabolites of fungi.
  • Weakened protective status of the organism due to Comorbidities. These include sexually transmitted diseases,affecting the organs of the urogenital system, accompanied by a vivid picture of the Candida and have severe and difficult to predictable consequences for the organism. In such cases, treatment of yeast infection without diagnosing and treating the underlying condition does not give success.

Effects of yeast infection in men

Distinguish between close and distant effects kandidozov for men. To close, that occur during acute illness, relate:

  • erosion on the genital mucosa, causing pain and causing problems in intimate life;
  • susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases due to lesions of the mucous (erosion, cracks) genital, through which easily penetrates the infection.

To remote effects of thrush include:

  • urethra syndrome (uretrit) -pathological inflammatory process ;in the urethra;
  • cystitis – cystitis;
  • jade,pyelonephritis, Glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the tissues of the kidneys;
  • Ovarian diseases, ERCP, problems with reproduction (infertility in men and women);
  • prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate.

How to cure male yeast infection

Healthy men easily cured conventional drugs without the use of costly drugs. Usually, It is enough to raise the pH level of the mucous membrane of a weak solution of potassium permanganate water solution of tea or soda .

When more severe illness should seek assistance from a urologist, who will pick up a suitable treatment of yeast infection. Selection of methods of treatment is in accordance with the following pattern:

  • removal of conditions, conducive to disease;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases candidiasis and addressing its clinical manifestations;
  • use the pathogenetic therapy with the use of immunomodulators, vitamins, tonic preparations, beneficial bacteria flora of the intestines.

Antifungal medications are used in the form: pastes, ointments, solutions, capsules, tablets and podsušivaûŝih powders.

Prophylaxis of candidiasis in men

To prevention of yeast infection in men are:

  • personal hygiene,
  • lack of promiscuity and use measures of protection when intimate contacts;
  • regular inspection of their external genitalia for monitoring signs of candidiasis and timely referral to a specialist about treatment;
  • Organization of nutrition with the exception or minimization of flour and fatty foods;
  • strict compliance with doctor's prescriptions, found your thrush and appointed treatment.

Nutrition for thrush

Proper nutrition for thrush in conjunction with the use of therapeutic drugs and external funds allow faster to get rid of all manifestations of candidiasis, speeding recovery and preventing its possible relapses. Besides, established thus rabota bowel will not leave fungus no chance of intensive breeding.

Diet the patient during and after treatment of yeast infection must include:

  • Vegetables (fresh and stewed), pulses and cereals, fish and poultry, fruit (not very sweet – Green apples, Plums, etc.).
  • Lemons and blueberries, possess antifungal activity.
  • All sorts of spices (cinnamon, Bay leaf, garlic, Carnation).
  • Beet, cucumbers, carrot, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsley, dill – the most unpleasant for fungus vegetables.
  • Daisy, plantain, Lucerne, the leaves series, clover, black currant berries and mountain ash – seal and used as teas.
  • Natural yoghurt, boiled liver, eggs, seafood, olive and flaxseed oil, wholemeal bread, Sesame, pumpkin seeds.
  • Carrot juice and seaweed, creating unfavourable Wednesday for the reproduction of fungi.

Basic principles of antifungal diets

  • Combine carbohydrates and meats with vegetables and remember – meat and carbohydrates are incompatible.
  • The use of simple or "fast" carbs (White bread, confectionery, sweet, potatoes) do you provide favourable conditions for fungi reproduction. Complex carbohydrates ( fruit, berries, nuts, pulse,Cereals) digested slower, do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, where the fungus Candida multiplies faster.
  • Daily drinking from 1,5 to 2 liters of water. Drinking water should not while eating, a and for 15-20 minutes before a meal.
  • To adhere to these principles of nutrition should as during treatment of yeast infection, and, least, 2-3 weeks after the end of

That is not to be for thrush

For more rapid and successful treatment of yeast infection from the daily diet should be deleted following products:

  • Alcoholic drinks, kvass, sugary drinks with gas, coffee and tea, to facilitate the reproduction of Candide.
  • Chocolate, ice cream and all sweet products.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, increase the acidity of the body and to facilitate the progression of the disease.
  • Smoked, Fried, fatty and marinated dishes, sweet fruits, canned food, semi-finished products and fast food, contain "hidden" sugar..
  • Cheese with mold ".

Your body will always be healthy, If in the future you will adhere to these recommendations on the above products.

Herbal medicine for thrush

Excellent support to the immune system will be phyto-extracts of Chamomile, sage, plantain, Calendula, eucalyptus, that can be propivat′ from time to time rates.

In the absence of variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in the stores lack vitamins and microelements compensate pharmaceutical multivitamin complexes.

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