Idiopathic urticaria – treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of diseases of idiopathic urticaria

Idiopathic urticaria – What is this disease? Urticaria is one of the most common symptoms of allergies. Despite the fact that it is manifested in all cases, the reason for its occurrence can be a variety of factors, ranging from the pollen of plants to freezing temperatures.

To better understand the nature of this disease and ways to, with the help of which you can control the idiopaticescuu hives.

Idiopathic urticaria – The cause of the

Cause of idiopathic urticaria can be:

  • food;
  • pollen of plants;
  • household chemistry;
  • medications;
  • stress;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • viral infections.

Symptoms of idiopathic urticaria

Among the symptoms of idiopathic urticaria:

  • bright red rash;
  • the emergence of watery blisters, that may be elongated or round shape;
  • itching in the skin., which is enhanced by the evening;
  • duration of illness for more than six weeks;
  • nerve disorders, depression.

Idiopathic urticaria – Diagnostics

When you first access the doctor the patient is assigned a survey, includes standard diagnostic procedures for allergies:

  • complete blood count;
  • biochemical blood analysis;
  • blood tests for HIV and syphilis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • parazitologicheskie research.

If you did not select the studies of allergen and have been found parasitic intoxications, capable of causing skin reactions, doctor refers the patient to additional screening of dedicated specialists: gastroenterologist, urologist, a dermatologist etc. The purpose of the supplementary survey is to diagnose systemic diseases, that may be the cause of urticaria.

Where, When systemic diseases, capable of causing hives, not found, the patient is diagnosed "idiopathic urticaria '.

Idiopathic urticaria – Types of disease

Hives are classified according to the length of the flow, pathogenetic mechanisms. Emit is also hereditary forms of urticaria and its other kinds of.

Flow duration distinguish acute and chronic (more 6 Sun) krapivnicы.

Idiopathic urticaria – Actions of the patient

Call the ambulance, If the urticaria symptoms are present along with life threatening allergic reaction:

  • anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • chikhaniye;
  • breathlessness;
  • runny nose or nasal congestion;
  • increasing difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Treatment of idiopathic urticaria

Therapy using drugs aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the immune system, detoxification and treatment of the underlying disease, identified during the survey.

In idiopathic rash is assigned the following group of drugs:

  • antigistaminы (loratadine, suprastin, zodak, tavegil, prednisolone, Eden etc.);
  • sorbents (Activated carbon);
  • ointments and gels, containing glukokorticosteroida;
  • digestive enzymes (Festal, mezim);
  • other drugs, appointed as a symptomatic treatment with appropriate symptoms (decongestants, sedativnыe, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, etc.)

Physiotherapeutic treatment. In some cases, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are appointed as additional (UFO, UHF-therapy, electrophoresis).

Idiopathic urticaria – Complications

Relapses of the disease, characterized by the formation of blisters on various sections of the skin, remissions are replaced with different duration. During a bout of weakness is possible, headache, temperature, arthralgia, in case of swelling of mucous membranes of the digestive tract-vomiting, nausea. Painful itching accompanied by neurological disorders and insomnia. Recurrent cases increasing in severity of urticaria are harbingers of idiopathic anaphylaxis.

Prevention of idiopathic urticaria

Prevention against repeated occurrence of symptoms of idiopathic urticaria is very important. Therefore, doctors recommend:

  • redefine your lifestyle, try to stick to your diet;
  • don't abuse alcohol and tobacco;
  • reduce the amount of stress;
  • do not abuse a visit to the solarium;
  • abandon the tight clothing, wear-free cut from natural fabrics;
  • possible to abandon household chemistry and detergents, replace them with folk remedies.

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