Folic acid

When ATH:


The yellow or yellowish-orange crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water and alcohol, easily soluble in alkalis. Hygroscopic. Decomposes to light.

Pharmacological action.
Fill the shortage of folic acid, hematopoietic.


Megaloblastnaya anemia, sprue, drug and radiation anemia and leukopenia, postrezektsionnaya anemia, chronic gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis, folic acid deficiency.



Side effects.

Allergic reactions: bronchospasm, эritema, fever, skin rashes.


Sharing with analgesics, anticonvulsants, antaцidami, cholestyramine, sulьfanilamidami, antibiotics, reduces the effect of cytostatics.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside. Daily need for folic acid is for children 1-6 months- 25 g, 6-12 months — 35 g, 1-3 year 50 g, 4-6 years - 75 g, 7-10 years — 100 g, 11-14 years - 150 g, 15 years and older — 200 g, for pregnant women — 400 g, during lactation-260-280 µg. With a medical purpose appoint inwards to 5 mg 1 once a day. The course of treatment 20-30 days.

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